Page 100 of Moonlit Temptation

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“Evangeline'son her way to the hospital.”

Ma gasps. “Oh my god! Where are you? What happened?”

“Looks like an armed break-in, but I don't know,” I mutter, looking around the parking lot. “I'm heading there now. Bring Hunter and meet me there.” It's not a question.

She hesitates, and I know she's worried it's a trap. She's not alone in that fear. The thought has crossed my mind too.

It feels entirely too coincidental that I completely lose my shit in a semi-public setting and within an hour, Evangeline gets assaulted and robbed.

“Are you sure that's a good idea? And what about the boys?”

My nerves are shot, and I'm trying to remain level-headed about all of it, shoving my personal feelings aside to look at things from an outside perspective.

But I fucking can't.

Every time I try to be objective about it, the thought of someone busting in there and hurting her pushes all rational thought aside. I need Bane to walk through everything with me, make sure I get all the facts.

I rub my thumb and forefinger over my brows. There's so much tension bunching my brows up, I worry it'll never leave me. “I can't concentrate if I'm worried they're going to come for Hunter.”

“He's safe with me, and we're at your house, safely within the compound,” she reminds me.

She's not unkind about it, more matter-of-fact. She's probably not even that fazed by all of this, she's been in worse situations with the Reapers and Dad's shit over the years.

But that was before Hunter. Having a grandbaby both softened my ma and made her more protective. I know she would jump in front of a bullet to save my boy, but I don't want her to have to make that choice.

“I know. The boys are going with me to the hospital though. I just need Hunter close. “

She's quiet a moment. “Alright, I'll get us packed up and we'll meet you there.” She ends the call without saying goodbye.

I blow out a breath, some anxiety lessening knowing it's one less thing I have to worry about.

I hit my brother's contact and listen to it ring and ring and ring. That asshole isn't going to answer, I know it. I hate the idea of leaving him this kind of message on a voicemail, but his stubbornness is making it difficult.

“What,” he answers on the last ring.

“Where are you?”

The wind is loud on his end. He must be driving still. “You know where I am. What's this about?”

I sigh. “Turn around and head to St. Mary's. There's been a situation and Evangeline's there.”

“What,” he explodes.

“She's fine, okay? Bane is with her. He said she's alright, but she's getting checked out as a precaution. And Nova, don't make me regret telling you this now. You better drive fucking safe.”

He ends the call without another word, no doubt his attention shifted to getting to the hospital.

Which is exactly what I'm about to do too. I rush to my bike and tear out of the compound with regrets nipping at my heels. Evangeline is under my protection. She's my fucking employee, so an attack on her is an attack on me.

And no one fucks with the Reapers and lives to tell the tale.

* * *


“Eva,” I grunt. “Uh Evangeline Carter.”
