Page 20 of Moonlit Temptation

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“Nah, not today,” I call over my shoulder and keep walking.

“Hey, Prez. Want some company tonight?” Lydia asks.

She's a regular bunny, been here for close to a decade now. Long enough to have her own room. And in all that time, she's never given up on hopping into my bed. I'm not sure why she thinks using that high pitch is attractive, but she's wrong.

Not that I go for bunnies anymore. Not sinceher.

“I'm good, Lydia.” I give her my best tight-lipped glance.

Quincy jogs up behind me, hovering just behind my shoulder. “Hey, Prez, when you get a second, I—”

“Tomorrow, Quince. Just here to grab my boy, club business will have to wait, yeah? If it's an emergency, call Bane.” I keep my strides long and tamp down my rising irritation. I'm not in the mood to mingle or fix problems or entertain requests.

Bane is my vice president, and arguably the most important brother the Reapers have. Without him, our shit wouldn't run nearly as smooth, if at all.

“You got it, Prez,” Quincy says.

I follow the sound of voices, recognizing Hunter's familiar giggle. I slow down, walking carefully over the tile floor to keep my steps quiet. Paranoia has me pausing, cocking my head to the side, and listening in on the conversation just inside the big living room area.

It's two thousand square feet of converted showroom space. A bar along the opposite wall, several sets of couches, tables and chairs, a gaming corner with a pool table, foosball, and a giant screen with every gaming console in front of a plush U-shaped sectional couch.

When there are more than ten people in here, you can't hear shit. But when it's two bunnies and one little boy? It's like I'm standing right next to them, just in time to hear them seal their eviction.

“I'm going to be your new mommy, Hunter. Your daddy and me are about to be real serious, but don't worry, I'll treat you better than your momma ever did.”



A veilof red descends over my vision, my blood boiling faster than a frog in a dried up creek.

I take a single step into the room, letting my gaze sweep across them. I plant my feet and cross my arms over my chest. I know how intimidating I can be, and while most of the time, I do my best not to be, I find myself leaning into it now, filling up the doorway behind me.

“Get out.” My voice is low, but it carries across the empty space easily.

The two bunnies flinch, jerking to look over their shoulders toward me. They stare with wide eyes and fear etched into their faces. Good.

“Dad,” Hunter says, leaping off the couch to his feet. His face still holds its usual playful grin, but there is a deep furrow between his eyebrows. And that confusion, that anxiety he's feeling is enough to fuel my ire all over again.

I know he'll be asking me about his momma at bedtime tonight. My boy likes to save his tough questions for those quiet moments right before sleep.

“Come on over here, bud,” I tell him, taking another measured step into the room.

He navigates through the room like he's playing on an obstacle course, rounding couches, dodging chairs, and jumping over shit someone left on the ground.

I clasp his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze as I pull him toward me for a half-hug. “Let's go see if we can find Nan.”

“She's in the kitchen making cookies.”

“Chocolate chip cookies?” I raise an eyebrow in faux surprise, the corners of my mouth twitching as I try to suppress a smile.

His big dark brown eyes sparkle when he eagerly nods his head in agreement. They're the same shade as his Momma's, which is pretty much the only thing he got from her. The rest of him is all me, right down to the little dimple in his cheek.

It's like looking at a miniature version of myself. Sometimes he makes these certain expressions, and he looks just like me. Fatherhood is the most wonderful and terrifying experience of my life. And I was in a fucking MC war for too many years to count.

“Yes, Bobby says they're best right out of the oven,” he tells me. His brows knit together with excitement. “And the ones at home come from a package from the store.”

If I didn't catch him watching that cooking show on a loop, I'd have no idea who the hell Bobby is. He's one of the chefs on the show, and my five-year-old kid is quoting his advice like they're friends.
