Page 59 of Moonlit Temptation

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I spent the last three days binge-watching that MC TV show in my free time, and my mind keeps flashing to what happens to people who meddle in their shit.

Iknowit's fiction, and that the Reapers aren't even remotely the same. Just like I know Cora wouldn't actually kill him, but she'd definitely talk shit.

And I'm a little on edge already.

“Don't distract me. I'm busy. Plotting.”

“Yeah, well, it's not that big of a deal.” I drag my French fry through the pool of ketchup on the plate. Our waitress, Debbie, gave us a mountain-sized portion of French fries to split, just like Cora requested.

Cora flicks her hand in the air, as if she can bat away my words. “That's bullshit, Eve. You wereexcited.” She pauses and holds her hand up, palm facing me. “And don't try to deny it. You'd only be insulting me.” She stares at me, one brow arched in warning.

“I wasn't going to deny it.” I lift my shoulders and let them fall back down, swirling my fry around once more.

“Even though I told you not to get involved with them. They're nothing but womanizing manwhore crybabies.”

I rear back and look at her, brows arched high on my forehead. “Jesus, Cora,” I say, keeping my voice low. “There are people around us.”

She sighs like it's such a burden to not talk shit about the Reapers. “If he were here right now, I'd tell him straight to his face. I warned him you know.” She pauses and points a fry at me.

“What? When?”

“A couple days ago, when he came in and got doughnuts for you.” She shrugs and pops the fry in her mouth.

“Oh, duh. I should've realized that when I saw the box. But I was distracted by—”

“All the dick?” she deadpans.

“No, jeez. I didn't see anyone's dick.”

“But you want to.” It wasn't a question.

My cheeks heat without my permission. “What? I don't know. I mean, maybe. Yeah. Have you seen those men though? Bane's arms—I'd let him toss me aroundfor sure. And don't get me started on the way Nova kissed me.” I fan my face with my hand and roll my lips inward to stave any more rambling. “Wait, what was the question?”

“I didn't ask one,” she says with a snort. “I just made an observation.”

I toss the ends of my hair over my shoulder with a playful huff. “Well, whatever. Anyway, it's fine.”

“Fine. But just know that I'm not saying I told you so because I love you.”

I roll my eyes with a small scoff. “He didn't ghost me, not really. He told me he was leaving town for a few days. Besides, it's good timing since my car decided to die.”

“And he can't text while he's mysteriously out of town? Seems pretty suspicious to me,” she says, her lips pursed in a frown.

“What's this one-eighty now? First you were against me having anything to do with any Reaper, and now you're rooting for it? Pick a side, babe.” I toss a baby fry toward her.

She snatches it off her little saucer plate full of ketchup and plops it in her mouth. “I did—yours.”

“You're the best, you know that?” I flash her a wide grin.

“Oh, I do, but please, keep reminding me,” she says around a laugh. “Also, you need to get your car into a mechanic. You can't be staying at Magnolia Lane without a car. If something happened, the closest neighbor is like a mile away. And Nana Jo swore Mrs. Keppner took her hearing aids out after four o'clock just so she didn't have to listen to Mr. Keppner's running commentary on their nighttime shows.”

I laugh at the picture she's painting. I haven't seen the Keppners yet, but I do kind of remember Nana Jo telling us some stories to prove her theory.

“Yeah, I will. It died like right in the middle of the road, about a block away. I coasted into a parking spot, thankfully. And then I walked the rest of the way here. I was going to tell you right away, butsomeonedistracted me with cowboy boot psychology.” I level her with a pointed mock-glare. There's no real heat in it, but I can't waste an opportunity to tease her a little.

“Gosh, that's scary. You're lucky nothing worse happened. And it hasn't been acting weird at all before today?”

I shake my head. “Nope, nothing. I know it's an older car, but I'm hoping I can still get it fixed. But I'm going to look for a job. I don't want to drain my savings, ya know.”
