Page 95 of Shadowed Obsession

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Engines rev outside, and I know he has to go. We pull apart and he sets me on my feet. He looks at me for a moment, and then like our serious moment never happened, his mouth hooks into a cocky sort of grin and he walks backward, toward the front door.

“Don't forget about my kiss later, sweetheart.”

I shake my head, biting the inside of my lip. “I won't.”

He nods and I watch him leave.

Two down, one to go.

I find Silas in the kitchen, hands pressed into the island counter and head bent low. I hover by the doorway, unsure what to say. Or if I should say anything.

We've been avoiding each other since the night of the storm. Or maybe he's been wrapped up in this—club business—and I . . .I'vebeen avoidinghim. I hate the insecurity that swims in my veins now.

I clear my throat quietly. “Where's Hunter?”

Silas lifts his head, and his expression freezes the air in my lungs. He looks wrecked. Eyes red, brows low, lips pinched into a straight line.

“I'm trusting you, Evangeline.” His voice is a low rumble.

I nod slowly, my expression falling into something serious. “I know. You can trust me.”

His gaze flies over my face, drags down my body with such heavy force that my skin prickles like it usually does. “You'll keep my boy safe.”

It's not a question. Maybe he's trying to convince himself or maybe he's already sure of it.

“I will. You have my word.”

He lets his head fall forward, but just as quickly, he straightens up. “Hunter's in the basement watching a movie. I told him you'd make popcorn today.”

“That's fine. I can do that. When should we expect you guys back?” I'm proud of the evenness of my voice.

He shakes his head, dragging a hand over his face. “I don't know. But keep your phone on you, yeah? The compound is going on lockdown for now, so don't go anywhere. Not even to your house or your cousin's.”

“Hunter and I will be fine here. We have plenty to keep us busy while you take care of . . . club business.”

He crosses the kitchen slowly now, pausing when he's next to me. “Take care of my boy, Evangeline.”

I look over my shoulder at him and promise, “I will.”



We rollup to the warehouse a few hours outside of Rosewood. Silas, Nova, and I roll in on the warehouse's north end. Half of our guys surround the other sides. The remaining brothers and any friends of the club we pulled in are doing something similar on the other two warehouses.

We couldn't get confirmation of which one was their main location, since they've used all three frequently enough lately. We're stretched a little thin by splitting us three ways, but it's manageable.

And it sure as fuck is better than all of us hitting the wrong warehouse, tipping them off, and fucking our element of surprise. It's our best fucking weapon right now.

That and the fierce parental rage that fuels Silas.

I flip open the new burner phone and send the letter p to the group chat, so we can coordinate our attack. Hit all three places at exactly the same time.

It's the only way this works with minimal blowback.

“Go over the plan again,” Silas demands.

These unpredictable situations are his nightmare, so I don't take offense at his tone.
