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I frown. He was with me last Friday night, but I don’t know about Saturday…

He told me he went into the city with Edie. They had to spend the weekend with their parents.

“We spent the night together.” Cadence’s smile is small, her eyes dancing. I’m sure she sees the uncertainty in my gaze and she is so enjoying this moment. “I’m used to him not being fully committed, but I don’t know how you feel about that. I wanted to be a girl’s girl and let you know.”

A girl’s girl. I know I don’t have a lot of friends and would probably never be described as a girl’s girl, but Cadence has a lot of nerve, dropping a bomb like that and trying to make it seem like she’s just being a friend.

Please. More like she’s my mortal enemy.

“I appreciate you telling me,” I say, my voice flat.

“Anytime!” Her enthusiastic response almost has me rolling my eyes. “Us girls have to stick together, especially when it comes to Arch Lancaster, am I right? He’s a total player. Good thing he has such a huge dick though. Makes up for all the shit he puts us through.”

I cannot believe she’s saying these kinds of things to me. And the expression of absolute misery on Mya’s face tells me she’s suffering too.

“I need to go.” I leap to my feet and grab my tray, my appetite long gone and I didn’t even take a single bite of my salad. “See you later.”

I flee before they can say anything to try and stop me and I don’t bother looking back, dumping my salad and setting my tray on top of the trashcan. From the sound of Cadence’s tinkling laughter chasing after me as I exit the dining hall, I’m guessing she’s feeling zero remorse over what she just said to me.

God, what a bitch.

I end up in the bathroom that’s in the same building where my math class is, sitting in a stall but not using it, trying to keep it together. This is why I don’t try to make friends. Allowing yourself to become close to someone is like opening a door to trouble. They’ll end up disappointing you no matter what. Hurting you.

Abandoning you.

I feel abandoned right now, thanks to Arch being away, though I can’t blame him for that. I have to deal with my own insecurities and get over them. Cadence is trying to get under my skin and it worked.

Now I’m full of doubt, and I hate it.

My temples throb with an impending headache and I take deep, almost gulping breaths, trying to calm my too quickly beating heart. Stupid Cadence and her rude comments. Talking about Arch’s dick size and how she was with him recently. Is it true? Or is it a lie?

Everything she said is swimming in my head, her words and the visuals they conjured up turning into a muddy swamp of confusion.

No. It can’t be true. He would never do that.

I can’t let her get to me. That means she wins and I refuse to let that bitch win.


The bell rings and I hurriedly exit out of the stall, stopping short when I see Mya standing just outside the bathroom, her expression full of sympathy.

“I thought you were in there,” she starts but I keep walking.

I don’t need to hear what she has to say. No false apologies or whatever it is she wants to offer me. Cadence is her best friend. In my eyes, they’re together. A united front. What Cadence says, Mya believes.

She is not a friend. She’s an enemy too.

“Daisy, come on. Let me explain,” Mya pleads, and I only stop when I’m outside, whirling on her as multiple people walk past us.

“Explain what? That you hate me? That you think I’m stupid for spending time with Arch because he’s still with Cadence or whatever? Don’t worry, she said everything I needed to hear,” I throw at her.

I’m about to leave, but Mya grabs my arm, stopping me, her gaze imploring. “You’re not stupid. And I don’t hate you. Cadence isn’t with Arch. They haven’t seen each other since he started hanging around you.”

I gape at her, shocked she’d rat out her supposed best friend. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does. Well, I’m guessing it matters to you.” A sigh leaves Mya and she releases her hold on me, taking a step back, but I don’t leave. Now I’m curious. “You were right. She’s just jealous, Daisy. She had plans for her senior year and Arch smashed them all by ending things with her.”

“What sort of plans?” I ask, unsure of what Mya’s implying.
