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I can’t. I can’t stop kissing her. She’s too delicious, too sweet.

“Text me later?” I ask the question with my lips still pressed to hers.

She nods, nipping at my lower lip with her teeth. “I will.”

I watch her go, lifting my hand in a wave right before she turns away from me and exits the room, the door closing softly behind her.

The moment she’s gone, the stillness returns, louder than ever, though I can’t hear a damn thing. It’s too quiet, too boring, too empty without her here.

Fuck I’ve got it bad for this girl.

So bad.



I hurry homeand take the quickest shower, washing every bit of Arch that still lingers on my skin away. I’m disappointed that I have to do this, but I can’t have my dad come home and suspect I’ve been up to something because he can smell the scent of sex on me.

That would be embarrassing. And horrible. I want to respect my dad’s wishes, but I want Arch more.

So, I’m defying my father. He might not know it but I do, and while I have some guilt over what I’m doing with Arch, ultimately, I can’t let my father control me.

I’m going after what I want. And what I want—whoI want—is Arch Lancaster.

By the time I’m in the kitchen and prepping dinner with my hair still wet from the shower, Dad finally waltzes in, whistling an unfamiliar tune, a broad smile on his face when he enters the kitchen.

“Smells good in here, sweetheart,” he announces, pausing right beside me as he stares at the chicken sauteing in the pan. “I didn’t realize it was your turn to make dinner.”

It wasn’t. I have ulterior motives. “I was starving so I thought I’d get it started.”

“I appreciate it.” He washes his hands, the running water along with the sizzling pan of chicken both so loud he has to yell to be heard. “Just to let you know, tomorrow night I’m going out.”

Huh. I guess I don’t have to come up with an alternate plan after all. “Oh?”

He turns off the faucet and dries his hands on a towel. “I’m going over to Kathy’s house for dinner. As long as you’re okay with it, of course.”

Asking my permission. Something he really doesn’t have to do.

“I don’t mind if you have dinner with her.” I turn over each chicken breast, pleased to see the cooked side is nice and brown.

“Do you want to come with me?” He sounds so hopeful. And that’s the last thing I want to do.

“Sorry, I can’t. I have plans.” I don’t sound sorry at all and I purposely try to sound more cheerful. “I appreciate the offer though.”

“Uh huh.” He sounds distracted. Like he might not even care.

Which is fine. I don’t want him to care.

“I’m going to study in the library with a group from my advanced physics class,” I tell him.

Thereisa group getting together tomorrow in the library to study and I should be one of them because I need as much help as I can get, but I’m not going.

Hopefully, I’ll be with Arch in his room.


“That’s good.” He blinks me back into focus. “Your class load getting to you yet?”
