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What the fuck? Did he just say what I think he said?

“That’s if she still wants to be with you,” he tacks on.

I rub at my chest, my heart feeling like it’s being slowly stitched back together. “She wants to. If she cares even half as much as I care about her, then she definitely wants to be with me.”

He slowly shakes his head, as if he finds that unbelievable. And maybe he does, but I don’t give a damn. I’m just glad he gave me his approval, however reluctant it might be. “Just…be careful with her, Arch. Don’t break her heart. It’s already fragile enough.”

“I know what it feels like, to have your heart broken, and I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy, let alone to the girl I love.” I stand up taller. “I will protect her with everything I’ve got. She means more to me than anyone else.”

Ralph smiles and it looks a little sad. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I won’t.” I finally smile, truly happy for the first time in what feels like forever. “I promise.”



I strideinto the admin office just as the second period bell rings, tossing my backpack on the desk before I turn to face Vivian and blurt, “I’m in love with Arch Lancaster.”

Vivian blinks, seemingly taken aback, and I almost feel bad about my outburst but oh my God.

It feels like I’ve been holding that in for so long, and it’s a relief to say the words out loud.

“Honey.” Vivian rests her hand against her chest, like this is all too much for her heart. “I thought you two were just friends.”

“Yes. We were. And then we got…closer. The problem is I like him too much. I love him.” I fall into a chair and prop my elbows on the desk, burying my face in my hands. “I’m in love with him and I’m miserable because I broke up with him.”

“You two were actually together?”

I drop my hands from my face, thankful I don’t feel any tears trying to form. The last thing I want to do is cry. I’m so over crying. “For a little while.”

“I’m so confused,” she murmurs to herself, shaking her head. “Why would you end things with him if you’re in love with him?”

“Because.” A sigh leaves me and I hang my head. “My father made me.”

“Ralph?” Now Vivian really sounds surprised. “Why would he make you break up with Arch?”

“He doesn’t approve.”

“Well,” Vivian’s mouth sets into a firm line, “I can see why.”

My heart drops. Vivian’s opinion of Arch has never been high. She always acted as if she was merely tolerating him.

“But I saw the way he behaved around you, and I liked it. He was kind and considerate of you always. Flirting all the time too. The boy can be quite charming. I can see how you fell for him.”

My heart soars back into place. “He was charming, wasn’t he?”

Vivian nods. “Why don’t you tell him how you feel?”

“I’m scared.” It was scary enough just telling Vivian how I feel about Arch, and she wouldn’t judge me for this. At least not to my face. “What if he doesn’t feel the same way?”

He did feel the same way. I broke his heart. But that was a month ago.

Feelings can change.

“You won’t know unless you ask him?” Her smile is gentle. “Though I know that won’t be easy for you.”

A sigh leaves me and I shake my head. I feel dumb. I have no friends and I’m talking about boy troubles with the headmaster’s secretary. It’s like I’ve hit a new low and I’m pretty certain I can’t get any lower.
