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I am a patient man, but I can wait for her for only so long.

Oh my. If that isn’t an ominous message.

There’s only one other part he highlighted, this one a little dirtier. Much like the slightly dirty one I highlighted for him.

She tastes like heaven. And when I make her come with my lips and tongue, when I clutch her hips and she grinds her face against my mouth, I immediately want to make her come again.

I never want to stop.

This girl is mine, whether she realizes it or not.



“Daisy, are you okay?”

I jerk my head up, my gaze meeting Mrs. Nelson’s, who’s watching me with concern. Her brows are lowered and she’s frowning and I blink at her. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

My voice is shaky. I don’t sound fine, but hopefully she doesn’t notice.

“You’re flushed. Your face is so red. Are you feeling okay?”

This is embarrassing. I’m flushed from the words I just read. Knowing Arch wanted me to read that part has me flustered.

“I’m okay. Really.” I duck my head, my vision blurry, and thankfully someone approaches, distracting her completely. I pull out a piece of lined paper and a pen and start writing my response.


No one understands me like you do, and while this is the most cowardly way ever to reach out to you, this was the only way I could do it. I love the parts you highlighted, and one in particular reminds me of what we’ve done together.

I want to do that with you again. And just to let you know, when I read the part earlier, Mrs. Nelson asked if I was okay because I was all flushed. I lied when I reassured her that I was fine.

I’m not fine. I miss you so much. I let my father control me but I’ve learned that no one really watches out for me except for…me. And for the first time in my life, I want to defy my father and do what I want.

Be with who I want.

But I’m scared. I need to know you’re all in. And you’re probably scared of me because of what I did before, which I totally understand.

Just know I’m all in this time around. I promise. And I don’t break promises.

You told me once that I was your favorite.

Am I still?



I don’t bother highlightingany other parts. I told him everything that I feel and that’s enough.

Folding the paper with still shaking fingers, I shove it back in the book and put it away in the desk. I’m keeping the note Arch wrote me. No way do I want that to get lost. It’s probably the most meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. I’ll cherish it forever. But for now…

I wait.


