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I readjust my fake glasses on my face and unbutton my suit jacket, tugging at the front of my button-down shirt, which is fake. It’s really got snaps and I undo them quickly with both hands to reveal what I’m wearing underneath.

The Superman emblem makes an appearance and JJ smiles. “Clark Kent!”

I slap his offered hand in a high five. “Superman, bro.”

We chat for a bit, Cadence coming into view at one point wearing a sexy Cinderella costume and she brought some dude who’s dressed as her Prince Charming.

The poor sucker. He’s screwed.

More and more people begin to arrive and I’m checking on each group like I’m hosting this event, which I sort of am. The costumes are killer and I take a lot of photos, realizing quickly that I’m grateful that I am the host and completely preoccupied. Otherwise, I’d be sweating over the fact that Daisy still isn’t here.

Where is she?

I grab my phone to check it for the millionth time, tempted to text my sister and ask where they are, but I resist the urge. What if Edie tells me something I don’t want to hear?

I’d rather not risk it and pretend that Daisy is definitely coming. After everything we did earlier today, and how easy it was between us?

She has to.



“You’re goingto the Halloween party?” The skepticism in my father’s voice is thick. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

We’re in the living room and I just told my father what my plans are for tonight. I’ve been hinting at this for the last couple of days, so he has to know that I’m going for Arch. My feelings are fairly obvious.

My nod is firm. “It’s definitely a good idea. Plus, it’s my last chance to go since I’m a senior. I want to see what it’s all about.”

And, of course, I want to spend more time with Arch. I’m still shocked that we left campus today and hung out with our friends. When he hugged me, it felt so good to be back in his arms. That’s all I want. For Arch to be in my life. To be my boyfriend.

I love that I’ve made friends too, and that Mya and Edie and I are close. It might be risky, letting Mya into my life knowing how close she was with Cadence, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Besides, I don’t think she likes Cadence anymore.

Mya never talks about her. At all.

After all the text conversations Arch and I have shared lately, I know that he’s into me. And I’m into him. We’re going to make it work this time, but there’s one thing I still really need to do.

I have to tell my father that I’m getting back together with Arch, and I’m not going to let him stop me.

I’ve already mentioned to him that we’re talking again, and have even dropped Arch’s name here and there in conversation lately. Dad doesn’t say much when I do mention his name, but at least he doesn’t tell me that I can’t see him at all, which is major progress.

“I’ll be with Arch the whole night, so he’ll take care of me,” I reassure my dad, wanting him to know that’s exactly what Arch will do. My father can trust that Arch will always watch out for me. He’s so protective of me and it’s sweet. I like it.

I like him.

More than anything, I’m in love with him. I want to tell him that tonight, and while that’s scary, I can do it.

I know I can.

A ragged sigh leaves my father and he turns to face me, his gaze going to the tote bag I’ve got slung on my shoulder, filled with the stuff I need for my costume. I hope Arch likes it. It’s simple, it might even be a little dumb, and I really hope he gets it, but we’ll see.

“You care about him, don’t you?” Dad asks me.

“I do. I’m in love with him,” I tell him, but he’s already talking, cutting me off.

“What do you know about love, hmm? It’s just infatuation,” he mutters, scrubbing a hand across his face.

“You and Mom got together when you were young,” I point out.
