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Of course, he does.

“Nervous?” He squeezes my fingers.

I withdraw my hand from his, vaguely embarrassed. “Your parents don’t like me.”

“They just don’t know you.” He tosses my own words back at me. I remember saying that to him about my dad. “Once they meet you, they’re going to fall in love with you. Just like I did.” He snags my hand again, pulling me to him and kissing me soundly, just as the elevator doors swoosh open.

I pull away from his still seeking lips quickly, my cheeks flooding with heat, but no one is there. All I see is a pristine white wall and a gold console table.

“Come on.” My hand is in his yet again and he leads me out of the elevator and into his parents’ apartment.

All I can do is stare, my head tilted back as I take it all in, Arch dragging me deeper into the plush, beautiful apartment. Everything is white and the palest blue, vividly colored landscape paintings are on the wall. Expansive windows that show off the city spread out before us. Light fixtures that look more like pieces of art shine down upon us, and I reach for my ear out of habit, my fingertip drifting across my diamond daisy earring.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, afraid to speak in a normal tone, it’s so quiet in here. “Where is everyone?”

“In the dining room. We’re late.”

I don’t think Arch knows the meaning of being on time. I wonder if his parents realize this.

They have to.

When I asked my father if I could spend Thanksgiving with Arch and his family, I was worried he’d say no. A big part of me didn’t want to leave him alone during the holidays, but he said I should go, that Kathy invited us to spend the day with her family already and he’d said yes.

I’m relieved he’s with Kathy and her family. I don’t feel as guilty leaving him alone to be with Arch, because he’s not alone.

And no one should be alone during a holiday.

“Is your mother upset with you?”With us?

Worry gnaws at me. I’m desperate to make a good impression and Arch warned me already that his mother might not be exactly…warm towards me at first. Her expectations are high when it comes to her children and the people they date, and nothing makes her happy, according to Arch.

And also Edie, who warned me I shouldn’t take her mother’s potential attitude toward me personally.

But I’m me, and I’m definitely going to take it personally. I just want his mother to like me.

I want his family’s approval. I can’t help it.

“I’m always late, so she’s not upset.” Arch grins, as casual as ever, but I suppose he has every right to be. This is his home, his family, and he’s not nervous at all. But he must notice the fear in my expression because he sobers right up, stopping us in the middle of the living room. “Daze, don’t sweat it.”

“Easy for you to say.” I shake out my damp palms, gasping when he yanks me into his arms and kisses me, like that’s going to make it all better.

Which it does. For about ten seconds. Then the nerves are back, roiling in my stomach, making me nauseous.

I don’t know how I’m going to be able to eat a single bite of food during this meal.

Resting my hand on my stomach, I take a deep, steadying breath, Arch watching me, affection shining in his eyes. “You’re going to be great. Just be yourself.”

I nod once and we head for the dining room. The apartment is gigantic, a maze of rooms and wide corridors, until finally we’re standing in an open doorway, staring at a giant table that’s covered with huge autumn-colored floral arrangements and beautiful table settings placed in front of each chair. Almost all of the seats are occupied, his family chatting pleasantly amongst themselves.

A man who resembles Arch spots us first, a pleasant smile stretching his mouth. “There you are. Glad you finally showed up. We’re starving.”

“Sorry, Dad. You know how it is.” Arch glances over at me, his expression warm as he says, “Everyone, this is Daisy.”

There are murmured greetings, Edie louder than the rest and I shoot her a grateful smile, my nerves easing some when I spot an empty chair right next to hers, with another empty chair across from it.

“Sit by me, Daisy,” Edie encourages, and I go to the empty chair, settling in as carefully as I can, flashing a timid smile at the older woman sitting on the other side of me. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I give her a quick hug, thankful for the ally at the table that’s not just Arch. I love my boyfriend, and I know he loves me, but it’s nice having someone else who likes me too.
