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Thinking of Cadence supposedly suffering over our breakup makes me feel nothing at all. That’s a serious indicator that I’m completely over her. “Tell Cadence I don’t miss her.”

JJ rears back. “I can’t say that to her face.”

I send him a look. “I know. But you should anyway. See ya.”

Leaving JJ where he stands, I dash into English right at the same time Daisy enters the room. I’m directly behind her and she has to know it, but she doesn’t look back. Doesn’t say hi or say my name, or offer me a thank you or anything.

That kind of…what? Hurts?

Nah. Nothing hurts me. I’m impenetrable.

I watch her settle into her usual desk right at the front of the room, dropping her backpack at her feet. She shrugs out of her jacket, the front of her button-down straining across her chest and my gaze drops there, staring for a second too long at her tits. I wonder what they look like without the shirt on. Without a bra on. This leads me to wonder what she looks like completely naked.

I bet she looks pretty fucking great.

She glances over at me, doing a double take when she realizes I’m standing there staring at her like a dumbass, people entering the classroom and pushing their way past me as I somewhat block their entry. Her lips form into a slight frown, her brows drawing together and she looks away, focusing on unloading her backpack of everything she needs for class.

Like I have no control over myself, I go to her. Settle into the desk behind her, dropping my backpack at my feet as well. Extra close to hers, so I have no choice but to bend over and practically invade her space as I unzip the top and blindly pull out a notebook.

I have no idea if that notebook is for English, but I’m running with it for now.

“What are you doing?” Her tone is soft, yet vaguely hostile, and when I chance a glance at her face, I see the pain in her gaze. The wariness.

She should be wary of me. According to her and Matthews, I’m a piece of shit that gets a tiny thrill out of torturing her and everyone else at this school.

“Getting ready for class,” I tell her, wondering if Matthews mentioned the reason why she’s back in school a day early. Did he tell her that I’m the one who’s taking the punishment now? Does she know that her suspension is off her school record?

Probably not. I bet money Matthews made it seem like he’s the hero and he bailed her out.

Such shit.

“You don’t sit here,” she points out.

“It’s a free country. I can sit wherever I want. And I don’t think Winston’s gonna protest.” I say his name extra loud because he just entered the classroom, and by the pleased smile I see on his face, I can tell he agrees.

“If Arch Lancaster is choosing to sit at the front of the class, I can’t complain,” Winston says as he makes his way to his desk. “What’s brought you closer?”

“I’m enraptured with your scintillating lectures,” I tell him, laying it on thick.

I can practically hear the aggravated noise that leaves Daisy. A few other people in class laugh too.

“I appreciate it. Don’t think they’ve ever been called scintillating but if you’re this enthusiastic and we’re only starting the semester, I know I’m on the right track.” Winston grins before he ambles over to his desk.

Daisy turns in her seat the moment he’s gone, her narrowed gaze only for me. “What, now you’re the suck-up?”

“He loves it.” I shrug. “He’s a good guy.”

“I really like him,” she admits softly.

A surge of emotion fills me, something I don’t recognize, and I sit with it for a moment, wondering what the fuck.

Am I…jealous? Of her saying she really likes Mr. Winston?

No. Impossible.


