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Yeah, that’s what I want to do the most. Listen to her laugh. She’s always so quiet everywhere else she goes. In class. In the dining hall.

In the office, she’s more relaxed. Open. Even animated.

“I’m tired of stapling. I’ve built a callus from that damn stapler.” I hold up my uncalloused hand, running with my excuse.

Her gaze shifts to my palm, her lips barely curving into a smile before she looks at me. “I don’t see a callus.”

“I’m lying, Daze. I’m just—I’m tired of sitting alone in that office. I think I’ve done my penance. Let me hang out with everyone else.”

She starts walking and I do too, staring at her profile, willing her to say something. Anything.

“That’s not up to me,” she finally murmurs.

“You have influence. Pull.”

“I should still be mad at you.”

My heart trips over itself and I’m surprised I’m not sprawled on the ground. The pain in her voice is obvious.

I’m such an asshole.

I should probably apologize for everything I’ve said and done, but it’s like I can’t. It’s humanly impossible for me to say the words,I’m sorryto anyone. Not my parents, not my siblings, not my friends or former girlfriends. I’ve never had to apologize for who I am, and why should I? I’m not sorry for the things I’ve done.

With the exception of what I’ve said to Daisy. I hurt her.

And she didn’t deserve that.

“You probably should be,” I agree with her, rushing forward when we get to the admin building to hold the door open for her. “But let me make it up to you.”

“Make up what?” She enters the building and I follow behind her, restraining myself from tugging on one of her braids. What am I, six? “The horrible things you keep saying to me?”

“Horrible things Ikeepsaying?” I repeat back to her. “Like what?”

I know what she’s referring to. Last night when I said the word pussy to her.

When I told her to think of me when she masturbates.

Does she even masturbate? Or is she too freaked out by the thought of touching herself there? Is she one of those girls who can’t even say the words out loud? I’m guessing yes. I’d probably drop dead before I ever heard sweet Daisy Albright utter the words pussy or cock or cunt.

Pretty sure those words aren’t part of her vocabulary.

“You were rather inappropriate toward me last night, Arch,” she says, her voice wry. The pointed look she flashes me over her shoulder as she keeps pace ahead of me is intriguing. I want to see it again.

“Inappropriate? Are you talking about when I asked if you were looking for pussy?” I say the last word a little too loud and I’m surprised she doesn’t shush me.

Her cheeks turn the palest pink. “I forgot you even said that.”

Uh huh. So, she’s definitely still thinking aboutmy fingers in her pantiesremark then.

I shift closer to her, so close my front bumps against her back, her ass brushing my junk for the briefest moment. Enough to make my eyes want to cross. “You’re referring to the hand in your panties comment then, hmm?”

She sucks in a sharp breath. I hear it. Practically feel it. I reach around her and open the admin office door for her and she scurries forward, creating distance between us like she needs it, and I stroll inside after her, feeling high on fucking life.

High on Daisy.

“You want me to say nice things to you?” I ask as she hurries toward the empty desk next to Vivian’s—who’s nowhere to be found, thank God. “How about this?”

She whirls on me, her eyes wide and unblinking. “Don’t say anything inappropriate.Please.”
