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When class is over, I take my time to gather my things, my pace unusually slow. To the point that Mrs. Nelson notices.

I’m always out of the class quick. I don’t like to be late to anything.

“You okay, Daisy?”

“I’m fine.” I send her an encouraging smile, shoving my textbook in my backpack at a turtle’s pace. Students from the next period start filing in, one after the other, but no one approaches my desk.

No one says, hey that’s my seat.

Reluctantly, I leave, wishing I knew who sat there.

Wishing I knew who underlined that part. Who said it was their favorite.

Wishing more than anything that it was Arch who wrote that. Who liked that.

In my dreams…



I waitfor Daisy to leave the damn classroom, wondering what’s taking her so long. She’s always the first person to shoot out of her desk, running off at high speed so she won’t be late.

Me? I take my time and am late for pretty much every class. Teachers don’t even mark me tardy because what’s the point? I won’t really get in trouble.

For the most part.

This afternoon though, I’m eager to get into statistics class. I want to see if Daisy responded to my note. What did she think of my scene choice? I thought it was pretty tame, but there was something undeniably hot about the way the author described the kiss. Slow and searching and shit.

Wouldn’t mind kissing Daisy like that. Still worried she might slap me if I try though.

Did she notice what I did in the office? I tried my best to recreate that scene from the book where the couple touched pinkies. I mean, that’s not even close to sexual, but it’s a tension thing so I see the appeal.

That’s why I shifted close to her while she remained on the phone for so long. Pressing myself against her. Absorbing her. Did she realize it? She seemed extra focused on those phone calls so maybe not. She’s not sexually experienced at all and I’m assuming she doesn’t think I like her because of that.

I shouldn’t like her like that.

She’s all I can think about.

Finally, she exits the classroom, turning her head left, then right, causing me to duck, tucking myself on the other side of the line of lockers I’m standing by so she doesn’t see me. I wait a few seconds, my heart pounding before I finally peer around the lockers once more.

The coast is clear.

I sneak into the classroom just as the bell rings, settling into my desk. Mrs. Nelson watches me, her lips curved when our gazes meet.

“Look at you showing up on time. I’m impressed.”

I flash her a smile. I’ve always liked Nelson. She doesn’t give me too much shit. “I aim to please.”

“You’re also a flirt.” She grabs an eraser and taps it loudly against the white board. “Okay, class! Time to get your homework assignments out and pass them to the front.”

I’ve already got my assignment out, and since I’m sitting in the first seat of the row—channeling my inner Daisy Albright before I even realized it, go figure—I wait to collect everyone else’s, ignoring the way the girl who sits behind me smiles. Like she’s interested.

No thanks.

Once Nelson has started her lecture, I reach for Daisy’s book, curious to see what she said. What she wrote. The book is still there and I take that as a good sign. Slowly, I pull it out, resting it in my lap and flipping it open to the place I notated.

I smile when I see she drew little pink hearts all around my favorite part of the section I highlighted.
