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“You know back in the day the Italians wouldn’t eat tomatoes because they tasted too acidic. They thought they were poisonous,” Edie says, dropping a little factoid like she often does.

“No shit?”

“Yeah. I don’t think that cat liked the taste.”

“That cat is kind of a dumbass.”

“You know this cat?” Edie sounds amused.

“We’ve had run-ins before, yeah.”

“Oh really?”

I change the subject, not about to mention who else I ran into.

There’s something about Daisy that I want to keep all to myself. Not that I’m ashamed of her or anything. More like I want to protect her. No one else needs to know about us. Our interactions. Nothing can come of this. It’s more than likely that nothing at all will come of it and that’ll be that.

But right now, while I can cling to these moments with her, I’m going to. I sound like a sappy asshole even in my own head, but I can’t help it. This girl…

Feels special.

I don’t want to fuck it up.



I havea crush on Arch Lancaster.

I know, it’s so stupid. He’s completely unattainable and out of my league and all of those other things, but I can’t stop thinking about him. Remembering how he looks at me. The things he says. He’s not romantic. Not even close. He’s blunt and borderline crude.

Not sure why I soften it with the word borderline. Heiscrude. He’s also outspoken and we’re nothing alike. Not at all.

But he looks at me and my heart beats faster. He smiles at me and I’m breathless. And when he touches me?

I feel like I could melt.

I truly believed I wanted a romantic love like what I read about it in my books, but that’s not what’s happening with Arch. At least, I don’t think it is. I’m not even sure anymore what’s real and what’s fake. It’s like I’m superimposing the situation with my book upon Arch, as if it’s him who’s annotating the book and highlighting his favorite parts.

The boy highlights all the sexy parts. The ones that make me blush. He started out tame enough but he’s taking it further with every day that passes, to the point that he highlighted the sexiest scene yet, where the guy went down on the girl in a rather descriptive manner.

After that moment, I took the book with me, not leaving it behind for him. I was too embarrassed to continue, I suppose. Ending our little game once and for all. Was he disappointed? Probably. But I don’t want to lead someone on. I don’t like whoever it is I’m talking to. Not like that.

I like Arch. Whenever I read the highlighted parts, I imagine Arch doing those things to me.

His lips find the spot between my legs, sucking me. Licking me. His tongue slides inside of my pussy, essentially fucking me with it and that’s all it takes.

I’m coming. All over his face. Making a mess. Normally I’d be embarrassed but not with him.

Never with him.

I slam the book shut and shove it under my bed before I leap off the mattress, going to the mirror that sits over my dresser and staring at my reflection, not impressed.

I look like a little girl with the stupid braids. I rarely wear makeup and my face is plain. I like my hair, it’s probably my best feature but I hide it by putting it in braids all the time. It’s like I don’t want anyone to notice me.

It’s dumb.

Annoyed, I change out of my clothes and don a bright pink sports bra and matching pair of shorts that I got for my birthday last year. A set I desperately wanted and that wasn’t cheap. I was surprised my father bought it for me and I’d been so excited when I opened the box.
