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“I broke up with her and she didn’t like it.”

JJ shakes his head, a faint smile curling his lips. I sort of want to sock it off his face but I’m not about to resort to violence in front of Matthews again. I’m in enough trouble and besides, JJ is my best friend. “You know you two will be back together next week.”

“Not this time,” I say vehemently, shaking my head. “I’m done.”

Cadence glances over her shoulder, her expression like stone because I know she heard me.


Once we’re in the administration building, Matthews has Cadence go into his office first, so she can tell her side of the story.

“I’m screwed.” I groan, settling into one of the creaky old chairs that are just outside Matthews’ office. They’re old, extremely uncomfortable and remind me of what jail might be like.

Not that I ever plan on finding out.

“Yeah, you are,” JJ readily agrees, settling into the chair beside mine. He leans back and kicks his legs out, crossing them at the ankles. “Looks like we’ll be here for a while. You know how Cadence loves the sound of her own voice.”

I silently agree, fuming over the entire situation. She just loves that she’s fucking everything up for me and on the first day of school at that. I’m so over her games. I’m sure if my parents hear about this, they’ll think I got into trouble on purpose, like I want to get kicked out of Lancaster Prep.

Hmm. Not a bad idea, though I don’t want it to go down like this.

JJ and I sit there for so long waiting for Cadence to exit Matthews’ office that the bell eventually rings, indicating the end of first period. JJ is slumped in his chair with his eyes closed and I envy him being able to fall asleep so easily.

All I can do is sit and think about how everything is screwed up.


The admin office door swings open and I glance up, blinking when I realize who’s entering the room with a sweet smile on her face.

Daisy Albright.

“Hi Vivian,” she singsongs to Matthews’ grumpy secretary, who is beaming at Daisy in return.

Beaming. I’ve never seen the woman smile like that ever. “Daisy. I was so glad to see you’re going to be working in the office again this semester.”

“You know how much I enjoy it. Plus, I’ve been wanting to pick your brain.” Daisy goes to the empty desk next to Vivian’s and drops her backpack on top of it. “I’m having issues with my roses.”

“Your dad can’t figure out what’s going on?”

“I don’t want to bother him. He’s all wrapped up in the vegetables right now. The tomatoes are frustrating him to no end.”

“Your father is going to have enough tomatoes to give every child at this school five each, and the staff too!” Vivian and Daisy laugh like they’re old pals.

While I stare at them like they’re straight-up crazy.

Pretty sure Daisy can feel my gaze on her because she glances over at me briefly, her gaze skittering away before it comes right back to me, her lips parting. I put on my most menacing smile and she turns her back to me, that braid whipping around when she moves.

I’m intrigued by that damn braid. I’m intrigued with everything about her, though I don’t understand why.

But I bet her hair will be all wavy when she eventually undoes the braid. And it’s soft. I could tell when I yanked on it.

The impulse to pull her hair came out of nowhere and I went with it, like I’m five and trying to get her attention. Clearly, she’s not impressed by me.

Any girl that I’d show even a second of attention toward would be interested. With the exception of this one.

I don’t get her.

Matthews’ door suddenly opens and I kick JJ in the shins, making him grunt and sit up straight. Cadence appears in the doorway, her head tilted back as she calls to Matthews, “Thank you so much, Headmaster. I appreciate you listening to my side of the story.”
