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“Thanks,” I mumbled, more heat ricocheting into my cheeks.

“It’s his first time out here,” Mom said, her head bobbing.

That wasn’t exactly what he’d said.

“Oh.” Cheryl clapped her hands together. “Well what are you doing here? Take the boy out, and give him a tour of Jackson. It’s a beautiful day out there.”

“Oh, no.” I shook my head wildly. “I can’t do that. We have to do your exercises—”

“Oh, phooey.” Cheryl swatted me. “That’s why I’m here.”

At that moment, Decker chose to stop listening to my instructions and returned to the living room with a muffin and a cup of coffee for Cheryl.

“Welcome back. We weren’t properly introduced yesterday. I’m Decker.” He smiled and handed her the refreshment.

My eyes narrowed. He was kissing ass.Which was exactly what a boyfriend would be doing,a snarky voice inside my head reminded me.

“Oh my word.” Cheryl gaped at the offering. “Reese, honey, if you don’t marry this man, I’m going to have that very smart brain of yours examined.”

I choked and then coughed.Less than a day.It had taken less than a day for someone to bring up my wedding to my fake boyfriend.

“Decker, Reese is going to take you out and show you around her hometown,” Mom determined with an enthusiastic nod, and if I didn’t know better, it was like she was trying to make me stew in my own very poor choices.

“No, Mom. I’m here for you—to help you with your therapy—”

“And I’ll be doing therapy every day for the next several weeks, you’ll get your chance to help.”

“Mom, no—”

“Reese, when was the last day you didn’t treat a patient?” Mom leveled me with a hard stare.

My mouth opened and shut.I couldn’t remember.

“Exactly. You need a day off. Decker, please, get her out of the house. Enjoy the beautiful day, and I can’t wait to hear all about it at dinner.”

Slowly…painfully slowly…I turned my head to Decker and found his gaze waiting for mine.

I swallowed down the lump of all my last protests. I didn’t have much choice. Mom wasn’t going to be satisfied until we left…and if we stayed…it was only a matter of time until Cheryl realized there was something fishy about my new boyfriend.

“Okay. You win.” I lifted my hands in mock defeat as Decker approached me. “Let me just grab my jacket, and we can go.”

“Can’t wait.”Why did he sound excited? He already lived here. There was nothing new to see.

“No more pain meds,” I pointed a finger at Cheryl and warned.

I turned to lead the way out of the room and felt Decker’s hand on the small of my back. I shivered at the burst of heat along my spine and bit into my cheek. I couldn’t be attracted to my fake boyfriend, that would only spell disaster. He was a temporary solution. My own version of pain medication to mask the discomfort of letting Mom down again.

But my physical attraction to him was strong.Schedule-C narcotic strong.And if I wasn’t very careful about how and when and what doses I took of Decker Conolly, I was going to wind up addicted.



“Doyou mind if we stop at my shop real quick? There’s a part coming for Mr. Nixon’s tractor, and I told him I’d call him to pick it up as soon as it’s delivered.” I held the passenger door of my Bronco open as she climbed inside for the second time in just as many days.

My fake girlfriend.

What the fuck was I thinking?
