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“Thank you.” She paused.

“Of course.”

“Thank you for everything.”

I gritted my teeth. “Don’t thank me for that, Reese.”

She gasped, the pink turning to red. “That’s not what I—I meant for this. For coming today,” she blurted out, and if it was possible, turned even redder.

My eyes snagged hers. “I haven’t done that,” I said in a low voice. “Not yet.”

Her eyes widened, lust clouding their depths, but before I could say anything else, Arlene patted my knee, directing my attention to the geyser that had started to steam and froth. “It’s almost time.”

I nodded and smiled. Another family came to sit on the same bench, and Reese scooted down to accommodate them, her movement pressing her leg up against mine. A low noise bubbled up from my chest.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” I grunted, trying my damnedest to control my erection.

I focused on the geyser. The steam. The small sprays of water that burst out every few minutes, getting larger every time. But it was pretty damn impossible to look at something that was about to erupt and not think about how I felt the same every time I was around her. Five days, and you’d think I’d have my attraction to her better under control. But those phone calls every night…the vulnerability she trusted me with when it was damn clear she didn’t let most people in…it made being next to her like this a thousand times worse.

“Oh, I can’t wait for you to see it erupt,” Arlene chortled.

I tensed again. Couldn’t help it.

“Are you sure?” Reese murmured.

I gritted my teeth and turned, dipping my head right next to her ear where only she could hear.

“I want you, Reese. And if all I can have is a fake relationship and phone sex, then that’s what I’ll take, but I’m not going to pretend it’s easy to be next to you and not think about all the sounds you make when you come,” I rasped, and her breath hitched. “So, no, if you really want to know. I’m not fine because having a constant hard-on around you is the kind of thing that makes a man perpetually uncomfortable. They say to see a doctor for an erection lasting longer than four hours, but seeing you is the problem. Seeing you only makes it worse.”

Her gasp was swallowed up by Old Faithful’s predictable performance. Water shooting almost a hundred and fifty feet in the air to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd. It was a good distraction for a handful of minutes, but when it was done, I was the one still left with desire punching holes in my veins.

“Wasn’t that incredible?” Arlene looked at me once the geyser settled.

“Yeah,” I said and stood.


“Why don’t I grab us some sandwiches from the Old Faithful Inn and meet you guys back at the car?” I suggested, trying hard to ignore the way Reese’s eyes lingered at my waist before lifting to my face.

“That sounds wonderful—”

“Perfect.” I turned and started down the path, needing some distance.

The ten minutes it took to pick up some lunches to go was enough to take the edge off—and make sure Reese was in the back seat by the time I reached the Bronco.

“What did you think, Decker? Wasn’t it incredible?”

I nodded and passed Reese the food. “It was something.”

“Hard to believe all that builds underneath the surface with only a little bit of steam until it blows.”

I choked and quickly disguised it with a cough. “Yeah,” I agreed tightly, catching Reese’s gaze in the back seat. “Hard to believe.”

We drove for another twenty minutes through the wild tapestry of the national park. The entire time, all I could think about was that this had evolved into something more—something far more than fake. Something that was as real as the mountains, as vibrant as the meadows, and as…explosive as the damn geysers.
