Page 102 of Shattered Diamonds

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I open my mouth and take him in, wrapping my lips around his finger. I brush my tongue against his skin. His salty flavor from hours ago, while I was in my dreamlike state, coats my taste buds. My tongue massage on his finger freezes when his other finger pushes further into my bottom.

“Mary, this is Haven, my wife.”

My eyes widen in shock.

“Haven, the woman behind me is Mary, my housekeeper.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Carbone.”

My eyes widen further.

“My wife would love to greet you face-to-face but currently she is sucking the cum off my finger that I left inside her an hour ago while a finger on my other hand is buried in her delectable ass.” My eyes couldn’t get any bigger. My jaw drops in disbelief. “Did I say you could stop?” he reprimands. I shake my head. He nods for me to continue. “That right, firefly. Do you know that even while floating through dreamland, you called me sir as you came?” A rumble leaves his chest. “Mary,” he summons, but his gaze doesn’t leave mine. “Unless you want to witness my wife coming, I suggest you leave. However, it is a beautiful sight to see.”

Mary, the not unattractive woman, scoots past us with a grin. “It was nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Carbone.”

“I can’t believe you just did that,” I gasp, mortified when Mary is finally out of the closet. His finger presses adamantly against my lower lip. The taste of myself mixed with him still lingers. I’m swiftly lifted then dropped on top of his dresser. He yanks my bottom to the edge. My thighs are spread so quickly, my muscles protest. A split-second later, heat rushes through my core. My clit from the tub earlier begs for mercy. The excessive amount of stimulation making it swollen and extremely sensitive. The pad of his tongue caresses every bit of my tender skin. When I feel his finger once again penetrating a spot so forbidden, I freeze and wait for what’s to come. He glances up at me with a wickedly devilish grin and makes me a promise. “This hole, the one I am about to stimulate with my finger, the one that will make you cry out with an intense rush of sensation, will someday soon have my cock buried in it. There will be no part of you that I don’t own. That I haven’t claimed. That I haven’t possessed with the energy of the devil. Accept that fact now, firefly.”

“Do I own you?”

“Every part of me, Haven. Every. Fucking. Part.”

Demetri has become…dare I say, lovingly mechanical since we left his house. I guess now, our house. His feelings stand out through his touch. His protectiveness comes out in spades. With his hand on the small of my back, he directs me out the front door to the waiting, open back door of the SUV while scanning the street for threats.

While Giovanni drives us across the city, Demetri holds my hand in the spare moments he isn’t returning messages or speaking on his phone. When we arrive at the private air strip, he moves to get out with orders for me to stay in my seat until he gives me his okay. He jumps out, scans the area, and when it is deemed safe by him, he holds out his hand for me to exit. I ask where he is taking me once again, but the answer I receive in return is vague. Strangely, I find myself content with that.

I take in the elegant space once we are on board the plane. Noting that this is definitely not a commercial flight. The luxury of the cabin screams private aircraft. The leather seats are embroidered with the letters RCH stitched into the headrest. I make a mental note to ask Demetri who owns the plane.

With my hand in Demetri’s, he leads me to a seat by a window with orders to “sit and stay” while he takes our luggage down the aisle a few feet away. It’s then I notice the odd bag I saw him take out of the trunk. One he nor I had packed at the house.

He removes his jacket and lays it down on a seat directly across from me. He loosens his tie and unbuttons the first two buttons of his dress shirt. I watch on. Every move he makes I find to be an aphrodisiac. He has such a self-assured coolness about him that I envy. He turns towards me and takes the few steps to stand in front of me. He leans down, braces his hands on the armrests and proceeds to kiss me breathless. My hands immediately go to his abdomen. My fingers start to curl around the material as he deepens the kiss. Desire flairs in my belly. And when he pulls back, lust pools in his eyes like an angry body of water ready to rage. We hold each other’s intense gaze a moment before he reaches for my seatbelt and buckles me in, all the while holding my attention captive. When he returns to his seat across from me, his attention doesn’t waver. He relaxes back in his seat, widens his thighs, and makes himself comfortable, and me uncomfortable.

A woman, I’m assuming she is the stewardess, comes from the front of the plane with a clear liquid drink with three floating ice cubes in her hand. She lays a napkin down first then sets Demetri’s drink on top of it. I watch their interaction and come to the realization that Demetri has used this aircraft a lot. Which means he flies a lot.

“Your drink, sir.”

The reference has me raising a brow.

Without missing a beat Demetri introduces us. “Devani, this is Haven, my wife. You will refer to her as Mrs. Carbone. Haven, this is Devani. She is the planes personal stewardess, working for the Heart organization.”

She seems a bit taken back. Shocked even, at Demetri’s admittance of having a wife. Her crystal-clear citrine eyes widen slightly before she controls her emotions.

She turns her complete attention to me. “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Carbone.” She nods respectfully.

“What would you like to drink, Haven?” Demetri takes a sip of his drink, watching me with interest over the rim of his glass. His interest on me doesn’t waver while waiting on my answer.

“I’m…” I look from him to her after a moment. “I’m okay for now. Thank you.” I pass on the offer, feeling a bit out of place.

“It’s a long flight, Mrs. Carbone. Whatever you need, just let me know.”

“I will. Thank you, Devani.”

“Bring her a bottle of water.”

I turn from her as she walks away and stare out the window, ignoring his demand I drink some water. The scenery around the plane is nothing but blacktop, but the few moments of gazing off allows me to quiet my inner thoughts.

Just as I am about to ask where he is taking me, Luca and another younger man enter the plane. I follow their movements with curiosity. The younger guy seems to be around my age. He’s well-built and very handsome. Both men say hello and drop into seats like they have done it a million times before. Demetri observes me watching them. I’m guessing the look on my face explains how confused I am. I foolishly thought he was taking me on a secret honeymoon, but unless he brings protection with him everywhere he goes, I can only assume we are not flying to an exotic beach.

I turn back to him. “This isn’t a honeymoon trip.” It’s not a question. I already know the answer. His answer is interrupted when the pilot comes over the speaker and announces that we will begin to take off. Only a moment passes before the plane starts to move. I close my eyes as we descend, the pressure against my chest is heavy as we hurtle into the sky. I release a deep breath once we level out and take in the abyss of nothing.
