Page 27 of Shattered Diamonds

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I lean in.“Tell me, how does that breeze feel on that bare pussy of yours?” I tap her ass as she jumps into motion and climbs inside the SUV. Her mouth hangs open for the third time tonight as she plops her bare bottom against my leather seat. I wink at her then reach across her body and grab her seatbelt. “Close your mouth, young pup, before I lay my dick on your tongue.” I snap her seatbelt in with a harsh click.

“You are… You can’t… You are so…” She’s flustered, flapping her lips over dead sentences.

I gruffly chuckle at her loss of words as I slam the door closed before she can finish formulating a sentence. Walking behind the vehicle, I have somewhat of a smile on my face as I scan the area with a skilled eye. I need to be more diligent and keep a close watch, especially now.

“Crude. That was—”

“Honesty.” I cut off her ramble with the truth as I slide into the driver’s seat.

“Are you taking me home?”

“Do you want to go home?” I question, pushing the button to start the SUV. It’s not a request I will permit but I ask only out of curiosity to hear what her answer will be. I have no intention of taking her home.

I turn my attention to her when she gives no reply. She is strikingly beautiful. I don’t blame the guy in the restaurant for admiring her. If she was on someone’s arm and I saw her walk by, I would regard her with interest too. Her body, those full curves, the way she moves with a gracefulness so pure it should be illegal in every country. That would be the only law I would abide by, locking her away in my basement and throwing away the key. What’s mine is mine and all that. What little Ms. Haven doesn’t realize is that she has already been given to me. Devine intervention.

But it’s her innocence. It’s something I wasn’t privy to, wasn’t aware of the true depth of it when I was initially introduced to her. I am exceptional at reading people. Her naivety caught me off guard.

She is an aphrodisiac. A straight up shot of juice into my mainline.

To say I’m attracted to her is an immense understatement.

I pull out into traffic, checking the rearview mirror to make sure no one pulls out behind me besides Luca and Drago, a made man we have allotted to work under Luca. We have a tight circle, one that is held together by trust. Drago is new. Not new to our world but unfamiliar to us. Only time will tell if he can be trusted. It seems as if that time will be a lengthy one because Drago is quiet.

When Luca is guarding Lilah, Antonio’s wife, Drago is sent on minuscule jobs to prove his worth or he is with me so I can watch his performance. No one, and I mean no one, gets close to the boss’ wife without proving their worth in weight.

I have never had a significant other in my life, nor did I want one. There has never been a defining moment in my years as an adult where I wanted to be that man to someone, but I do understand my boss’ possessiveness all too well.

Once we reach the light half a block from my exited parking spot, I notice the SUV Haven was watching pull out behind Luca. I have to wonder if Haven’s big brother sent the bodyguard to keep watch or if the bodyguard felt the responsibility to take it upon himself. Either way, it will be addressed.

“You don’t plan on taking me home, do you? Even if I said I wanted to, you wouldn’t, would you?”


“Then where are you taking me?”

“Does it matter?”

“It might.”

“Museum, night club, or sex club?” I offer all three to see what she would say.


“You choose. Be prepared though, if you choose museum, I’m going to be bored. To make it more exciting for myself, I am going to have to think of something to do to liven up the time. Not sure your innocence can handle that so soon.”

“That feels like a challenge.”

“It’s a promise. You’ll have a better chance of me controlling myself in a club.”

“A man with no self-control is a man not worthy of trust.”

“If I had no self-control, young pup, I would have had you on your knees sucking my cock in my boss's pool house the first night we met when you decided to disrespect a made man by addressing him by his first name.”

Her swallowed gasp makes my insides smile. “You’re disgusting.”

“Never put your lips on a dick then, I assume?” I comment, knowing the answer already.

She goes quiet. Her gaze floats to the passenger window. I can feel her indecisive uneasiness. A full minute later, she utters, “Museum.”
