Page 32 of Shattered Diamonds

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“You are an arrogant—”

“Better watch,” I warn, pointing my index finger at her as I head in the direction of her brother’s office, and she rushes up the stairs to what I assume is her bedroom.

I step into his office at the back of the house. It’s a boring library not fitting of the man. “You plan on staying in the States, you better fix this space up to suit the man behind the desk.”

“You here to speak about interior decorating, Carbone? Because if so, I got that handled.”

“I hope this isn’t the new you? If so, you should fire your hired hand.”

“What do you want, Carbone?”

“Your sister.”

“You already have her.”

“That I do. What I don’t have is the knowledge I should have been given.” He watches me. “She is as innocent as the first driven snowfall.”

“That a problem?”

“The problem is that I should have been informed.”

“Would you have handled her any differently?”


“I didn’t think so. Why are you in my office?” He stands and heads to the bar cart just off to his right. Tilting the bottle in a gesture for me to join him, I nod my acceptance. I don’t give him an answer. I wait. He hands me my drink then explains, “She’s a good girl. Intelligent. Smart as a whip with a tongue that will sever anyone who hurts someone she loves. She is devoted to family and more loyal than all my soldiers combined.”


“But she has been confined. She has had the best education money can buy. And even though she went to college, she was still sheltered per my father’s rules. She doesn’t even know I went on vacation for a bit while she was at school. Finn was then and has always been her only bodyguard. The typical college life was null and void for her. Finn made sure of it. He had strict orders from my father to not let her engage. Anytime she did or someone would approach, they were warned off or taken care of. Although there may have been a time or two when she got some freedom.” I see the crook of a smile as if he is proud.


“She was the apple of Da’s eyes. He didn’t want her tainted by the world we reside in. Or following in footsteps that were less pure. He thought she would be used against us. Her beauty, I’m sure you have noticed, is captivating, and her innocence is an aphrodisiac to any red-blooded man.”

“The current situation at hand doesn’t make much sense then.”

“It does. Trust me, it does.”

“Trust is not in my vocabulary, McKittrick.”

“Do you respect your boss’ orders?”

“I respect his position, the man that built an empire, and the man that kept his word. Therefore, I respect him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here having this conversation with you.”

“Fair enough.”

I swallow the golden liquid he offered, then I inform him that he better have my drink of choice on hand in the future before stepping out of his office.

With a quick jab that I let go, he says, “Maybe you should start drinking wine for the Italian heritage you have instead of the vodka.”

“My ruthless side enjoys the vodka.”

I make my way through the long, dark corridor, stopping when I hear soft music come from the steps leading to the basement. It’s late, and something tells me my orders weren’t obeyed. I take the steps slowly. The soft glow illuminating the basement surface draws me in.Thinking About Youby HANDS plays. I reach the bottom step and take in the graceful creature floating across the floor. The way she moves, the grace she carries herself with, it all looks so flawless, yet her body is exerting so much energy that the sweat glistens off every inch of her skin. The sports bra she wears is soiled from her exertion and showcases details of her body that should be kept private. The small cotton shorts she is wearing ride up her ample behind, showing the crease between her cheeks and thighs. I lean back and relax against the wall and watch her move while my dick lengthens against my thigh.


She is breathtaking.
