Page 34 of Shattered Diamonds

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“That’s okay. I’m sure you already got your run in earlier. No need for you to do two. I’ll just jump on the treadmill.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m sure you could use the fresh air after last night. I’m surprised you have the energy for a run.”

Shocked, I blurt, “Excuse me?”

“What happened last night?” My brother looks between the two of us.

“Yeah, what happened last night?” My cousin chimes in after my brother questions.

I glare at Finn. “I was dancing most of the night.”

“She was more than that.”

I shoot beams of fire at Finn’s disrespectful hints at something more.

“More?” Cillian questions then looks at me with concern. “You okay, Haven?” He turns in his chair and gives me his full attention.

“I’m fine. Just felt like I needed a good long workout. No need to worry,” I explain, knowing my brother has fears about me relapsing.

“If you’re sure.” He watches me with skepticism.

“I am.” I turn to walk away then turn back. “Hey, Cillian, do you need Ciarán this morning?”

“No. Why? What’s up?”

I turn my attention to my cousin. “You up for a run?”

Finn coughs through the sip of his coffee. “I’ll go with you, Haven.”

“No. You stay. Enjoy your breakfast. Ciarán, are you ready?”

“Yeah, just let me get my runners on.”

“I’ll wait for you outside.” I turn and walk away, leaving Finn to his half spit out coffee and my brother scarfing down his second bagel.

As I’m stretching, Ciarán comes out the door with a cocky smile. “What the hell was that all about, cuz?”


“Don’t what me. What was that between you and Finn?”

“Nothing. We had a disagreement.”


“You ready?

“Try and keep up, treadmill queen.” He takes off on a sprint.

“Just because I run on the treadmill doesn’t mean I can’t run in the streets,” I yell, chasing after him.

We ran for a good two hours and once we got back, I collapsed on my bed and slept for hours. I only woke because Ciarán barged into my room and told me to get up and get ready because he was taking me out. He left with Cillian an hour ago for business, but I was to be ready once he got back. It’s already late and I’m ready to go back to bed. I leave my sweats on and head to the kitchen. I just have to change into my dress once Ciarán returns.

I’m rummaging through the refrigerator when I feel a presence behind me. Just as I’m turning, I hear, “He doesn’t deserve you.”

“Feckin hell, Finn. You scared the shit out of me.”

“My apologies.”
