Page 69 of Shattered Diamonds

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“Make the bet. Shake my hand and call it a deal.”

“Fine. Deal. You have your bet, Mr. Carbone. I don’t want to disappoint you, but Ghost will win.”



“Joseph,”I call, yelling over the roar of the crowd as I walk Haven into the office. Now a grown man who was once just a directionless teen getting himself in trouble, swaggers towards me with respect and confidence. Giovanni took Joseph under his wing per his father’s request and the boss’s approval and made him a loyal soldier. When Antonio had him watching Lilah, when they couldn’t figure their shit out, Joseph did a stellar job. So, I trust him to do the same with Haven.


“She is yours tonight.”

His eyes sparkle with mischief as they start to lower. “Watch yourself,” I warn. The fact that he is just a year or two older than her only adds more depth to my warning. He laughs and returns his gaze to mine. “She will become my wife tomorrow.” I give him another warning through the tone of my voice. It goes without saying, you don’t touch another man’s wife, but no one touches a woman married to a man in the mafia unless you want to die.

“Only if Ghost loses. Which he won’t.” Haven jumps into the conversation with more sparkle in her eyes than she had when we walked in here.

Joseph smiles at her. Then looks back to me and raises his brows.

“Take her over to the south corner of the ring,” I tell him, so that I can keep an eye on her—them—since Joseph can’t keep his eyes off her. In hindsight, challenging her to go without the shirt underneath her top was not one of my best orders.

The announcement is called for the next fight. The two of them start to walk away but not without me pulling Haven back and laying an unforgiving kiss on her lips. I leave her breathless, and me somewhat shocked at my actions. I watch until Joseph has her where I asked him to bring her before I head to the back where the fighters wait for their match to be called. I pass one of the fighters in the hall, and a few minutes later as I am discussing business with another fighter, the next guy is called to the ring. I finish my conversation and head back to the main floor.

Haven stands at ringside, excitement fueling her body. Watching her is an aphrodisiac. If she knew how stunning she really is, she would be lethal. I have to say, there are men in my position who may not be so lucky as to have someone like Haven placed in their path, but I must admit I’m beginning to think I lucked out.

I start to head back to the office to watch the fight but find myself stepping up behind her. ‘Want to bet on this one too?”

“I am not marrying you tonight.”

“You will be. It will just be in the sexual union way and not the before God’s eyes way.” She blushes. “Are you ready for me, cosabella?”

“What does that mean?”

“Beautiful thing.”

“So, I moved up now? I am no longer a puppy, but a thing?”

“A beautiful one.”

“That makes me feel so much better.” She smiles at me with mirth. “I feel like we have been having sex all day.”

“We have. But tonight will not be innocent.”

“I don’t think the word innocent should ever come into play with you when you talk about sex.”

I huff a hard laugh. “You have no idea.” I turn her around to face the ring and pull her back to my chest. Leaning down, I whisper, “You pick, and you make the bet.” I nod towards the ring.

“The guy in the red shorts will win. If he does, you have to…”—her cheeks become fevered—“let me explore you without you giving any orders.”

“And if I win?”

“You tell me.” She looks a little weary letting me decide.

“I’ll think of something,” I tell her just as the bell rings for the fight to start.

“Hey! That’s not fair.” She tries to twist in my arms to face me, but I stop her, nodding towards the fight.

“Life isn’t fair. You just better hope your man wins.” She rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, you will enjoy whatever it is.”
