Page 78 of Shattered Diamonds

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“True. Although some do. You’re shedding tears right now.”

“Because you’re an asshole and bringing up a subject I don’t want to speak about. As for my sister, she was free-spirited. And I loved her. Very much.”

“I have no doubt you did. And your sister had every right to be free, but she needed to be responsible, and she wasn’t. Now, tell me about her.” I push, knowing there is more to bear on this cross.

“Seems like you know enough.” She jerks her arms, pissed, wanting to get loose. “I don’t want to talk about her.”

“Why’s that? Because your sister was part of the reason you have an eating disorder?” I give her a second to digest that. “You looked up to her and she made fun of you when you gained weight, didn’t she?”

“Why would you say that? That’s cruel.”

“But the truth. Isn’t it?”

“I loved her.” The tears pour down her cheeks. “I wanted to be just like her. She was perfect,” she cries.

“Open your eyes, firefly.”

Slowly, they rise to meet mine, anger radiating in them. It quickly turns to hurt, and she turns her face away from me. She tries to lift her shoulder to swipe at the tears, but the restraints hinder the movement. I step into her and tenderly brush my hand over her jaw, my thumbs swiping what remains on her cheek after she shakes her head to rid herself of the truth coursing down her face. I lean in, grasp her chin, and press my lips to hers. Her lower lip trembles and fresh tears swell and seep over her waterline.

I lean in and press my beard against her cheek, my mouth a hair’s breadth away from her ear and explain, “What you consider wreckage, I consider damn sexy. What you consider a shortcoming, every man out there that admires you would like to put his dick in you. What you think has ruined you, has, in fact, made you a stunning woman. A woman that other women envy. You are sexy as fuck, firefly, and behind every sexy curve is something even more valuable.” I pull back and hold her gaze. “A smart, strong woman I am honored to have placed at my side.”

“I miss her. My sister. I miss her so much.”

“I’m sure you do.” I brush my lips over hers. “Do you believe me when I say that you are sexy?” She shakes her head. “Your sister was jealous of you.”

“No. She was so beautiful. If you saw her, you would have never chosen me.”

“I didn’t choose you. Life did. Now ask me if it would have lasted long between her and me, had I had the option to choose her? It wouldn’t. I would have used her body just like your brother used the women you saw coming and going. She may have been beautiful, but beauty is nothing if you’re dead inside.”

“How do you know about her? About me?”

“Just know that I know. Also know that I won’t tolerate my wife walking around with her head down. I saw you tonight. When you came back to my office after using the bathroom. You saw Tegan and I. Instead of walking away, feeling defeated, letting those demons in your head win, as my fiancée, you should have walked right in with confidence and come to me. You will become Mrs. Carbone tomorrow. You will be married to a very powerful enforcer of the Italian mafia under the leadership of one of the most influential Don’s in this country. I’ve said it once before. We have a saying in this family when it comes to the women in our lives. Secrets aren’t just secrets. They’re withheld protection. That being said, your secrets are mine and only mine. I will always find the hidden truth. Tonight was about you trusting me. You didn’t. This right here, what just transpired between us, it was about trust. Your sister was a wild girl, firefly. She was looking for love in the wrong places. You were the golden child receiving all the attention. She projected her insecurities on you to make herself feel better, but I can guarantee you, it didn’t work. As for Tegan, she is insignificant.”

“Not if you’re fucking her still.”

“Am I standing here with you? Is it not you strapped to my cross? Did I not just filet my fiancée open to get to her insides so I can get to know her better? Something I have never done with any female. I hate to tell you, firefly. I am your brother. Whether you like that truth or not. You may want monogamy, but that does not mean everyone does.”

“I won’t be in a relationship that isn’t faithful.”

“I will always be faithful to myself.”

“That’s what I thought.” She jerks at the chain. “Let me down.”

My palm goes to the center of her chest, stopping her thrashing body. “You are now a part of me, Haven. Which means, I will be faithful to you as well.”

She turns her attention back to me. Scrutinizing my words. I watch her deflate. She looks away, thinking, before she turns back. “You knew her? My sister?” I see the look in her eyes and the question she isn’t asking.

“Not in the way you’re thinking. She’s come to the States many times with your brother. She used to hang out in a club I frequented.” Her eyes widen, thinking it’s where I brought her earlier tonight. “Not club Abyss.”

“Promise me.”

I lean in and whisper, “I don’t make promises, firefly. My word is a guarantee.”

She curls her head into the side of mine, brushing her damp cheek against the coarse hair on my jaw. “Sir?”

“Yes, firefly?”

“Will you kiss me?”
