Page 30 of Ruthless Passion

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My heart races at his words. “She will be?”

“Yeah,” he says softly. “Go tonight, Portia. Have fun while you’re there.”

My heart feels as though it’s about to burst. He has no idea how much I’ve missed Teagan. “Thank you.”

“I’ll see you soon, baby.” He ends the call and I smile. I may not see Dario this evening, but he’s giving me something better—my sister.

I’m anxiously waiting for Teagan to arrive. There’s a guy sitting on the other side of the room, watching me, almost as if he knows me. It’s eerie, and if he doesn’t stop, I’m going to go over there and see if he wants a picture or something. The man’s good looking if you like the rugged look, but he doesn’t do it for me at all.

My heart batters wildly against my chest as I see my best friend walking into the room looking a million dollars. She’s dressed in a long, slinky black dress that is to absolutely die for. She’s so damn beautiful, and yet her eyes are filled with such raw sadness that it makes my heart hurt. Watching her and her husband, I can see there’s tension between them. If that asshole has done anything to hurt her, I’ll kill him. I don’t care if he’s Famiglia. I’ll take him out in a heartbeat.

I spot Dario, and my heart skips a beat. The man scrubs up so nicely in his fitted suit. Our gazes connect and heat rises through my body. God, this man is something else. If I'm honest, I think I’m falling for him. He’s speaking with Elio, their heads close together so as not to be overheard, and my girl looks uncomfortable. It’s time to intervene.

“Tee,” I say loud enough for her to hear me. I watch the shock filter through her face as I move toward her. That shock soon turns to horror, and I quickly wrap my arms around her. God, this girl. She’s hurting deeply and pushing me away. I’m not going to let it happen again. “I’ve been so worried,” I whisper so only she can hear me. “I know what you’re thinking, but you didn’t cause this, Tee. It wasn’t your fault. Nell and I, we love you and we’ll always love you. You’re our sister. Please don’t push me away.”

Teagan wraps her arms around me, and I know we’re going to be okay. It’s going to take some time for her to understand that what happened to Nell wasn’t her fault. None of this is. I pull her toward a seat, wanting to get her to a place where she’s comfortable. I promise her she’s not alone. I need her to know that.

I’ve known from the very moment I met Teagan just how vulnerable she is. I also know that she wanted to die when she was kept in the basement of her father’s motorcycle club. She needs love and support, and I have a feeling that for the past month, she’s received neither.

I feel Teagan tense, and I turn to see what she’s looking at. My anger whips through me as I watch Elio Gallo smiling at a woman who is not his wife. A woman who is too fucking close for comfort.

“Hey,” I say, gripping her hand to get her attention. “Ignore him. He’s an ass, and he doesn’t deserve you.”

If I was angry before, it’s nothing compared to what I feel as the skanky blonde woman smirks at Teagan, all while she runs her hands over Elio’s jacket. She whispers something to him before walking away. That motherfucking asshole fucking follows her.

“Fuck him,” I hiss, wishing I could follow them and kill the both of them. But there are too many eyes, too many witnesses. Damn. “Seriously, fuck him. He’s an ass.”

“I need a drink,” Teagan says as she gets to her feet. “Or three.”

I’m shocked at her words, but fuck yes, I agree. “Hell yes. Let’s go.” I laugh as I too get to my feet and pull Teagan toward the bar. “Two Kamikazes, please,” I ask the bartender, flashing him a flirty smile. It always pays to be nice to people. It doesn’t hurt to be courteous, and giving a smile is free. “Sit,” I say as I pull Teagan onto a seat. “We’re going to stay here and get drunk.”

The bartender gives us our drinks just as Elio returns. The fucker keeps his eyes on Teagan as he saunters toward her. My girl downs her drink, all with a smile.

“Another.” I grin. “And he’s paying.” I point to Elio. I’ll be fucking damned if he hurts my friend and gets away with it.

“La mia bellissima moglie,” he says as he stands beside Teagan. It’s taking everything I have not to punch the asshole. How fucking dare he flirt with another woman in front of her, then leave with said woman, before coming back and being all ‘my beautiful wife’ in Italian. Ugh, he makes me fucking sick.

“Go fuck your whore, Elio,” Teagan snarls at him. I’m so fucking proud of her. “Get your hands off me.”

“Teagan,” a deep British voice says. “It’s been a while. How are you?”

I notice it’s the guy who’s been watching me since I arrived. He presses a kiss against Teagan’s cheek, ignoring Elio’s dark glower.

“Um, hi,” she says softly.

I smile as he reaches for her hand and pulls her from her seat. “Let’s talk,” he says, and leads her to a table.

Elio makes a move to follow, but I block him. Hell fucking no. “You,” I snarl at him, and watch as his brows raise in surprise. “You disrespected my friend, your wife, this evening. How dare you? Did you fuck that whore?” I hiss at him, my hands clenched into fists.

“What?” he snaps. “No, I fucking didn’t, and even if I did, it’s none of your business.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, asshole. It is my business. Everything about her is my damn business. Do you really believe she doesn’t think you fucked that skank?”

His eyes darken as he gets in my face. I see Dario close by, watching our interaction carefully. “I didn’t fuck her. I haven’t fucked anyone since I was with Teagan,” he says low. “Stay the fuck out of my marriage, Portia.”

I grin at him. He doesn’t scare me. Not in the fucking slightest. “Then make sure my girl is treated like a queen, Elio, then we’ll have no problems.”

He pushes past me and moves toward Teagan and the guy she’s speaking with.
