Page 77 of Ruthless Passion

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He looks at me with confusion. “Why would someone do that?”

“I don’t—” My words are broken off by an alarm sounding. “What’s that?”

Amadeo straightens. “Stay in here and do not fucking leave. Someone’s breached the offices. Send an alert to the boss. Let him know what’s going on.”

I nod, my hands shaking as I reach for my cell.

“I mean it, Portia. Do not fucking leave your office. Lock the door and do not come out unless I tell you or Dario does.”

I take a deep breath, my feet moving toward the door. “I promise,” I tell him. He gives me a sharp nod and starts to move away, reaching for his gun. I close the door and flip the lock.

I fucking knew something wasn’t right, that there was something going on. I could feel it in my gut. With shaky hands, I type out a text message to Dario, letting him know that someone’s in the office and the alarm is sounding.

Once I’ve sent that, I pocket my phone and reach for my gun. My knife is safely tucked in my boot if I need it.

I sit with my gun trained on the door, taking deep breaths as I wait for someone to arrive. My gaze moves from the door to the clock that’s hanging on my wall. It’s almost three in the fucking morning. Whoever the fuck is here sure is a bastard for sneaking in late at night.

The time ticks by, the minutes moving slowly. Fifteen minutes pass before I hear a knock at the door. “Portia, it’s me.”

Robert. Where the fuck has he been? He was supposed to be here. He was one of the guards, but I haven’t seen him since Teagan and Jade left with Lorenzo.

“Where’s Amadeo?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I was in my office.” He sounds out of breath. “I fell asleep, and the next thing I know, the alarm is going off. I came to you immediately. Open the door. We need to get the hell out of here,” he says, his fists pounding on the door.

“Where’s Amadeo?” I ask once again.

The handle of the door is pressed down, but he’s unable to open it. I have the lock engaged.

“Portia, you have to listen to me,” he says, and the urgency of his voice makes me listen. “This man only just shows up, and the next thing, our offices are under attack. How much do we actually know about him?”

“I’ve known him since I was a child,” I say, slightly defensive.

“Fuck, Portia, come on. We know he was supposed to guard your house, but he wasn’t there when your father died. We know that his friend was part of this ring. Could he be better at hiding who he is?”

I swallow hard. He’s right, Amadeo could be great at hiding what he’s done, but I can’t say that I don’t trust him, because I do. I don’t know what that says about me. I’m probably stupid. But right now, I trust Amadeo. “Robert, where is he?”

“Portia,” I hear Amadeo call. He’s close.

“Stay the fuck away from her,” Robert snarls. “How do I know you’re not setting up a trap? Luring her away to sell her just like the others?”

“Move the fuck away from the door,” Amadeo snaps. “You’re not getting in. So back the fuck away, now.” I hear movement, and I breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay, Portia,” Amadeo says. “Let’s get the fuck out of here and get you to the boss’ house.”

I nod even though he can’t see me, but fuck, that sounds like a fucking good plan. I walk toward the door.

“I don’t trust you with her,” Robert hisses. “I won’t let her leave with you.”

“I don’t give a fuck if you do or don’t. My priority is Miss Portia and getting her away from here. There’s no one outside, there are no other cars in the lot, and the alarm is still sounding. So tell me, asshole, where the fuck is the intruder?” Amadeo asks, his voice tight with anger.

“Portia, come out. We have to go,” he tells me. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I need to get you to safety.”

I unlock the door and open it. Both men are standing off against one another, their weapons drawn. “Let’s go,” I say, looking at Amadeo. I’m going with my gut. It’s all I have right now.

“You’re making a mistake, Portia,” Robert says. “He’s the one who’s working with Marco.”

Amadeo spits on the floor. “Never,” he snarls. “Never would I work for that man. You’re eager to get her alone, Robert. Why is that?” Amadeo takes my hand and closes his fingers around it tightly. He starts to pull me along the corridor, away from Robert.

“What the hell is going on?” I ask as we run down the stairs.
