Page 32 of The Holiday Puppy

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“Do you want to stop for dinner, or do you want to head back?”

She glanced at the horizon, where vibrant pinks and purples were starting to light up the sky. “Dinner and a beautiful sunset. How could anyone pass this up? I can’t do anything else right now, anyhow.”

He rounded the vehicle to open her door. When he offered his hand to help her out of the car, some unexpected but undeniable impulse took over.

He pulled her into his arms for a long, sweet kiss, wanting to offer comfort.

But when she melted against him, he kissed her again, savoring every moment. He expected a surge of guilt to hit him, or a sense of betrayal, but it didn’t come.

She leaned back, her eyes wide and startled. Then she dropped her forehead against his chest. “Wow. I wasn’t expectingthat.”

Her pliant warmth seemed to flow through him, somehow mending some of the sharpest, most broken pieces of his heart. Shards that he’d expected to feel forever after Carrie’s death.

It didn’t even seem possible.

Yet here was Lucy—brave and strong and caring to her core. And now he knew she would be leaving as soon as she could.

Unless that killer got to her first.


On their way back tohis place, Nick switched the black rental SUV for a small gray sedan, then took a winding route through Honolulu and Waikiki before heading back to his place.

For safety,he told himself.

In case Lucy was spotted.

But what he’d really wanted was more time with her. More time in quiet conversation. More time to enjoy her animated expressions. More time to simply be next to her in the car.

More imagine.

He parked on the side street flanking his rental and unlocked the backyard gate, so they could enter through the back door of the house with her luggage.

But he insisted that she wait on the covered porch while he walked through the house and checked every room first, just in case.

Everything was just as it had been left.Praise the Lord.
