Page 39 of The Holiday Puppy

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LUCY PACED THE FLOOR, unable to sleep. Debated about driving to the facility right now and demanding answers.

But she knew the facility policies, and knew that lights went out at ten o’clock. After that, none of the patients could have visitors or receive a call.

And, if she remembered correctly, the mornings and early afternoons were tightly scheduled with group sessions and private counseling interspersed with doctor’s visits.

She’d be lucky if she made any contact by late afternoon.

The night wore on as she second-guessed everything she’d ever done as a parent. Had she been too lenient? Too strict? Had she tried too hard to be both a mom and dad, but failed at both?

At some point she must have dozed off on the sofa, because at the zippy sound of her new ringtone, she jerked upright.


“Bree!” Lucy sighed with relief. “Where are you?”

“I’m stuck in Chicago waiting for a connection to Minneapolis. I had two flights canceled already. The snow is really picking up here, and now I wonder if I’ll have to wait until morning.”

“Can you find a hotel room near the airport? Or go to your apartment?”

“No way am I leaving this airport. I don’t want to miss any chance to get home.” She hesitated. “Have you heard from Adam?”

“Only a phone message. I just got my replacement phone tonight.”

“One of his buddies called me and said he was really bad this time.” Bree’s voice broke. One of these days...”

“I know, sweetheart. I tried to get some information from the treatment center, but they said they couldn’t even let me know if he was there. He must have revoked my HIPAA permission form.”

“Last time he was in there, he was angry at the whole world, so maybe he did it then. But this time he sounds different. Like he really wants to get away from his drugs and try to have a normal life. I hope it’s true.”

Lucy gripped her phone a little tighter. “So you’ve been able to talk to him? Is he all right?”

“Yes, and I’m praying he will be, Mom. Hey—I hear something on the loudspeaker about my flight. Gotta go.”


When Adam walked intoa small consultation room to meet her the next afternoon, he looked so thin that Lucy swallowed hard, taking it all in.
