Page 17 of Forever Inn Love

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“Shh.” I laugh, then mutter, “Speak of the devil.”

Thad steps out of his car with the top down on a far too chilly day. He walks up wearing a polo shirt and slacks for golfing. Thad is very rigid with his workout routine and is very fit. He runs, lifts weights, and golfs multiple times a week. He won’t miss a workout for anything. Even at the hospital, he’ll do his workout somewhere when he’s on his break. He’s a driven and focused guy, I’ll give him that. He’ll make some lady happy; it just won’t be me.

He’s wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses and looks like he has a fresh haircut. He always looks impeccable. Sometimes I just want to mess up his hair. It’s weird that he’s always so perfect. Like a real-life Ken doll. I rarely feel as put together as he is, which frustrates him. It’s almost like he wants me to be his match, but that will never happen.

On a few occasions, he’s asked me to dress nicer or wear more makeup when we’ve attended events together. I brushed it off, but it annoyed me. Sauntering up the walk, he stops, puts his hands on his hips, and scolds me, “Babe. Don’t you know how to answer your phone?”

I cringe. The endearment scrapes against my brain like an unsharpened ten blade. Did he seriously just call mebabe?

This is how he talks to me. No pleasantries, no concern about how I needed help. Yet this guy hints at getting serious when he clearly doesn’t care about me. It’s so weird.

“Nice to see you too, Thad,” I mutter, trying hard not to roll my eyes.

“Where’s your phone?”

I look down and realize I don’t even have it. “It’s in the house.” I shrug.

“What if the hospital tried to call?” he persists.

“It’s my day off, Thad,” I plead. I know what he’s going to ask me. Or rather demand of me.

He ignores me and continues, “I need you to cover my shift. I have tee time with your father at the club.” He takes off his sunglasses and cleans them with his shirt.

“You want the job, right? The board will be meeting soon. You need to make a good impression and be a team player.”

My heart drops, thinking of my plans to enjoy a nice fall day with the windows open and maybe take a hike later. It’s not happening now.

I’m beginning to loathe Thad. He uses me and makes me jump through hoops for this job. And because he knows I want it so badly, I’m trapped and frustrated that I can’t say no. Otherwise, my job will be in jeopardy. I shake my head, seething inside.

“I’ll make it up to you.” He leans down to kiss me, but I quickly turn my head so he gets my cheek instead. He saunters to his car without looking back. He speeds off too fast out of the driveway, spitting gravel and dust everywhere.

He never once acknowledged Goldie or waited for a response, just ordered me to take his shift and left.

I look over at Goldie. Her mouth is set in a line, and she says flatly, “That man has the intelligence of a carrot.”




It’s latewhen my window slides open, and someone grunts as they land on the floor of my room. I flip on my light, and it’s Callie in a rumpled dress, her hair wild and her face streaked with tears.

“What happened?” I rush to her, looking her over to see if she’s hurt.

“It was bad. They were drinking and really angry.” She sniffs, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

“It’s okay, come here.” I close the window and pull her toward my bed, tucking her in and comforting her.

“On the way home from dinner, my dad was screaming at me that I better not throw my life away and that I’m their future doctor and they’re counting on me,” she says, shaking.

I hold her close because she’s shivering. “Callie, you’re only seventeen. You don’t have to take care of anyone, and that’s not right,” I whisper, pulling her closer.

“They talk to me like I’m their cash cow, and they can’t wait to cash in on their prize.”

My heart clenches, and I close my eyes. I wish she could just stay with me and my dad. I want to protect her so badly from her parents.

“I’m tired of walking on eggshells every day and trying to be perfect for them,” she says with a sob.
