Page 20 of Forever Inn Love

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“CanI come over and work on my science project after school?” I ask as I take a bite of my sandwich.

“Yeah, we can get pizza,” he says as he slides his cake across the table to me.

“Why do you always get the cake when you don’t even like cake?” I grin and take a bite.

“I don’t like the cake, but you do.”

“You get an extra piece just for me?”


“Why?” I ask, my heart melting.

“You’re my otter, Callie,” he says.

“Thanks,” I whisper, trying not to get sappy. He always does little things like this, like saving a piece of cake for me. My parents have been out of town on vacation for a week now with friends and haven’t even bothered to call and check in on me. Yet SJ knows where I am and what I need. He pays attention to the little things. I doubt my parents know little details about my life, like what desserts I like. My parents are rarely sober and rarely aware of anything but their social status and trips. Unless it benefits or affects them in some way. It feels good to know that someone in the world cares about me.

* * *

I’m in the back corner of Sam’s shop, putting together my science project with my headphones on and music playing when someone taps me on the back. It’s Sam. “Hey, kiddo, pizza’s here.” He points with his thumb as he picks up a few tools from the worktable and slides them onto a hook where they belong on the wall.

“Thanks, Sam.” I turn off my music and head to the back. I walk into the break room of Sam’s Auto Body shop and hear the loud roar of laughter. Two of my favorite bikers, Bear and Smoke, are sitting around the table with SJ making plates of pizza.

“Hey, Callie, you want one?” Axel calls from in front of the fridge. He’s holding up a can of soda.

“Yes, please,” I say as I slide between Bear and SJ. Bear looks over at me and says, “What are you building out there?”

“It’s my science fair project. I’m competing in Concord in a few weeks. If I win, it’s for a partial scholarship.” I hold the box open so he can take another slice.

“Listen to you, smarty-pants. Your mom and dad must be so proud,” Bear says as he takes a bite of pizza.

I laugh, and SJ snorts.

“What?” Bear says in his deep, protective voice. To others, he could be scary. He’s got serious dark eyes, a beard, and wild, long hair. But to me, he’s my Bear. He looks out for me and makes sure I get home. He’s become like another dad to me. People can say what they want about the Eastern Bones, but they’ve never been anything but kind to me.

SJ just shakes his head. “Callie’s parents are always gone. That’s why she’s over here all the time.”

Sam looks at both of us and crosses his arms. “Where are they now?”

“They haven’t checked in,” I mumble. “I’m not really sure.” I think they went on a cruise with some friends. But I don’t want to tell them that. It’s embarrassing.

“Who is looking after you?” Sam shuffles his feet.

“I can look after myself,” I reply, taking a bite of pizza.

I look up, and four sets of angry and concerned eyes are on me. “What?” I mumble, my mouth full.

“No,” Sam finally bites out. “You can stay here when they’re gone. We have the third bedroom. He points at SJ. “You clean that room and put fresh sheets on for her. And both of you, no funny business,” he says pointing at us.

“Okay,” SJ mumbles, sneaking a look at me.

Warmth fills me, and I look at Sam and say, “Thank you. For the pizza, too.”
