Page 30 of Forever Inn Love

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I look up to see their faces staring at me and their jaws dropping. “What?”

“Oh, this is going in a book,” Beth says with satisfaction.

Allie laughs. “Beth writes romance novels, and my husband is her literary agent.”

“Wow, that’s really cool, and go for it,” I say as I sneak another look at SJ.

She laughs. “Of course, but is this not the making of an epic second-chance romance book or what?”

“I don’t think this one will have a happy ending like in books,” I say as our server delivers fresh drinks to our table.

“Why’d he leave?” Paige asks dreamily, putting her chin on her palm and leaning forward, eating this all up.

I shrug. “I don’t know. That was always the biggest mystery,” I say. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re done.”

Allie scoffs. “It does matter. You and SJ were the ideal couple who everyone idolized. We were all shocked when he left.”

I glance nervously at the bar, and he’s watching me. He has a bottle in his hand and tips it up to me and winks. Freaking winks. I give him a side-eye and turn to face the girls practically swooning over that wink.

“Okay, see? That’s what he does. But why should I give him a second chance to break my heart again?” I ask.

“A lot can change with time. People grow and change. SJ could be an even better man now. He was only a kid twelve years ago making dumb decisions,” she says thoughtfully as she swirls her straw in her glass.

“Go talk to him,” Mellie nudges me.

“No,” I say nervously.

“SJ! Come over here!” Allie calls.

I want to die in this spot. I want to vaporize and go away at this very moment.

SJ gets up from where he’s leaning against the bar, walks over to our table, and stands beside me. Too close. He smells so good, and I’m trying to keep calm with him standing right there, close enough to touch him. “Ladies,” he says, acknowledging everyone, then turns to me and murmurs, “Callie.”

“Crap. You’re even hotter up close,” Paige breathes.

“Um. Thanks?” he says nervously as he takes a sip of his drink and looks down at me for help.

I look away. I’m not helping him. He’s on his own.

“Have a seat,” Beth orders with a smile. “Let’s talk about you getting back together with Callie.”

“Sure, a topic I can get behind,” he says as he sits down and casually drapes his arm around my shoulders. I turn and glare at him. But secretly, I like it. The girls exchange a wide-eyed look of satisfaction.

Mellie is fanning herself. “They’re so cute,” she mouths to Paige.

I shake my head and try to hide my grin, busying myself with my drink.

“How’s your cabin coming along?” Beth asks. “Evan says the floors look great and are all finished.”

My heart warms hearing about the cabin. I wonder what it looks like inside.

He nods. “It’s almost finished. You should come out sometime and bring the babies.”

I squirm at the thought of SJ holding Beth and Evan’s babies. I bet my ovaries would catch on fire if I saw that. Just picturing it makes it feel hotter in here. Imagining SJ as a father does things to me. Makes me feel like I could go feral seeing him having a family with someone else.

“When are you two going to start dating again?” Allie asks, and I shoot her a look, letting her know she’s dead. Her book club is dead, and her bakery is dead. Wait, maybe not the bakery. I like baked goods too much. And I can’t live without her coffee now.

He turns his eyes to me, giving me his full attention. His voice is low and sincere, and his eyes are full of regret and something undefinable as he says, “When she knows I’m not the same man I was and finally forgives me.” The words are meant to answer Allie’s question, yet he is looking at me as he replies. This was meant just for me.
