Page 36 of Forever Inn Love

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He tastes so good, and his arms come around me and pull me up and into his arms.

When he finally pulls back, I’m breathless. He stands with his hands in his pockets while I unlock the door. Satisfied I’m safe, he pulls me in for another kiss and off my feet, making me see stars when he finally sets me down.

He turns to leave and calls out into the darkness, “Good night, Goldie!”

She coughs and says nervously, “Oh…good night.” Pretending she hasn’t been eavesdropping from around the corner on her porch.

I laugh and head over to her as he rides off. I slide my chair next to hers and put my feet up on the railing, reaching for one of her porch blankets to wrap over me with the chill of the fall night setting in.

Goldie says quietly, “That boy has always been yours, honey.”

I sigh and lean back.Mine.

“Don’t let that carrot get in the way of you finding your way back to your soulmate.”




“Doyou think we could find my mom?” I ask her as we sit at the library table looking at the computers along the wall.

“Yeah, I bet we could. Are you sure that’s what you want?” she asks, tilting her head.

“I just wonder what happened to her. What was better than me and my dad. What made her feel like she had to leave and take my sister and not me, too,” I ask wistfully.

“Let’s do it.” She snaps my textbook closed, then shoves back and settles at the computer.

“What’s her full name?” Callie pulls up Google on the computer.

“Michelle Pamela Reid was her name. They divorced, though, so I don’t know what it is now.”

Callie types it in and waits. “Okay, there are three people with that name close by.” Her fingers fly over the keys, and she says, “Bingo.”

“Whoa, that was fast. Just like that? Why didn’t I do it sooner?” I wonder.

Callie reaches over and tears a sheet of paper out of her notebook, then grabs my pen. She copies down the information from the screen, looking up at the computer and back down.

“Want to take a road trip?” She looks at me.

“What do we do when we see her? Should we talk to her?” I swallow nervously, wondering if my dad will feel bad if he knew I was doing this.

“No, we don’t have to. We can just see what she looks like. Maybe we’ll see your sister. She’d be what, about twelve now?”

“How far away is she?”

“About an hour, I think.”

“Okay.” I nod. “Let’s do it.”

* * *

“Are you sure this is it?” I stare up at a big house. It’s not as nice as Callie’s, but it’s big. “It looks expensive.”

After grabbing snacks and drinks from the gas station, we park across the street. Callie joked that we’re on a stakeout, and everyone knows you need snacks when you’re on a stakeout.

My snacks lay in my lap untouched. I’m too nervous. My mom lives here. An hour from me and she’s never bothered to check on me. See if I was okay. It hurts me that she just didn’t want to be my mom.

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