Page 47 of Ryland

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“It’s not just a swingers club. It’s a nudist resort.” Saint slapped Ryland between his shoulders and Harper’s jaw dropped. “Have fun.”


Exactly one hour later, Ryland and Harper arrived in Rosarito and climbed aboard the small aircraft waiting on the private landing strip. There wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver around like in the jet that his team normally took, but it would get them to Jamaica sooner rather than later.

The flight should take less than six hours which had them arriving in Negril at almost three in the morning. The plan was to head to the resort, check in and sleep for a few hours. Then when morning came, they would search for Lester Tillman and his partner.

“Banshee thinks he’s so funny,” Ryland grumbled, looking down at the fake passport in his hand. “Fred Rogers? Really? He takes things too literally.”

Harper couldn’t help but chuckle and she sang softly, “It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor, would you be mine? Could you be mine?”

Yep. So damn adorable.Ryland caught her chin in his hand and pressed a kiss to her lips, silencing the song. After a moment, he pulled away, brushed a blonde lock behind her ear and said, “I’ll be all yours, neighbor.”

Harper smiled and he nodded at the passport in her hand.

“Please tell me he didn’t make you Ginger.”

“No,” she said and laughed. “I’m Annabelle Rogers. I kind of like it. Do you think I look like an Annabelle?”

“I think you look like a Harper,” he said and tickled her side. “What’s your middle name?”

Harper squealed, pulling away. “Lane. What’s yours?”

“Harper Lane. I really like that.” He cleared his throat, not wanting to talk about how he shared a middle name with a lowlife thief.

But she asked again. “Ryland what?”

He made a face. “Ryland Vincenzo Mills. Stupid, I know.”

Her brows lifted, clearly not expecting that zinger. “Is it a family name?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Why’re you being so cagey?”

“Am I?”

“Answering a question with a question?”

“How about a kiss with a kiss?” He slanted his mouth down over hers and drank deeply, putting an end to their conversation about middle names.

Once they broke apart, Harper turned serious. “So what should I know about this place?”

Ryland heard the uneasiness in her voice and reached over to cover her leg with his hand. “You mean you don’t usually visit swingers resorts?” he teased and lightly squeezed.

“Um, no. Do you?”

“Never been and never planned to go. But here we are.” He couldn’t deny he was looking forward to going to Desire with Harper. The hotel’s reputation was legendary.

“Just so you know, I’m not leaving the room if we have to be naked.”

A bark of laughter burst from Ryland’s throat. “They aren’t nudists, sweetheart. Saint’s an idiot. You’re allowed to wear clothes.”

“So, then what? People just have sex with other people?”

“If they want,” he said carefully. “Banshee did some research on the place and said they promote it as a place for like-minded couples to explore some of their deepest desires in a safe, judgment-free zone.” He shrugged a shoulder. “He also said there’s live entertainment, themed parties, snorkeling and sex spots.”

“Sex spots?” she echoed, wrinkling her nose.
