Page 72 of Ryland

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Her mouth edged up and Ryland grasped her hand tightly in his.

“Harper Lane Grant, I’ve never felt a connection this intense to anyone before in my life. From the first day we met, I knew there was something different about you. The chemistry was off the charts, but it was another, deeper feeling that drew me to you. Like I’d found my other half. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. Almost losing you scared the shit out me, sweetheart. Our time together is too precious and I don’t want to spend another second away from you. So, if you’ll have me, I promise to keep you close and safe. I’ll guard you with my life and love you til my last breath. Harper, will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she breathed, then pulled him up and into bed again. “A thousand times yes.”

Their mouths met in a long, sensual kiss, sealing the deal, and Ryland felt like the luckiest man in the world.


The next morning, Ryland and Harper woke up extra early and went down to the courthouse. They were legally declared man and wife thirty minutes later. Back outside on the sunny steps, Ryland spun his wife in a circle then kissed her thoroughly.

“Love you, Mrs. Mills,” he said.

Harper laughed and her aqua eyes lit up with mischief. “Are we completely insane?”

“Probably. But isn’t that half the fun?”

She smirked then kissed him again. “I love you, Mr. Mills. And I’m looking forward to starting our lives together. Even if we’ll be in hiding for an indeterminate amount of time.”

“As long as the team gives us some privacy because as newlyweds, I plan to spend every spare moment in bed with you.”

He nipped her ear and she yelped. “You’re so bad.”

After a quick stop at the jewelry store where they bought a couple of simple gold bands, they drove straight to the restaurant so Harper could say goodbye to her sister. It was an emotional scene. They’d already spoken earlier and Harper had explained the situation on the way over to the courthouse. Taking Savannah into their confidence might be a risky move, but Harper had assured him she wouldn’t tell a soul. Especially not if it risked all of their lives.

Everything was happening so fast and Ryland stepped away to give them some privacy. But Savannah told him to stay. After all, they were family now. She seemed genuinely happy for them and started crying when Harper reminded her of their flight. They had to leave, but the sisters were holding each other, and Ryland felt a stab of guilt for putting them through this.

“We’ll still be able to talk.” Harper gave her sister a final hug. “Just use a burner.”

Savannah clutched the bag of disposable phones tightly to her chest and swiped at her watery eyes. “I will.”

“I’ll call you tonight when we’re safely in—” Harper glanced over at Ryland and he shrugged his shoulders. “Well, when we’re wherever we’re going.”

“You better buy her a damn big diamond for going through all this,” Savannah mumbled to her new brother-in-law.

“Oh, I will,” Ryland assured her. He hesitated then pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Savannah. Harper had told him about the restaurant and the financial trouble her sister was in and he had plenty of money stashed. Helping her out and making sure the sisters could achieve their dream was the least he could do.

“What’s this?”

“Open it,” Harper encouraged her.

Savannah’s brow creased as she tore the envelope open and looked down at the thick wad of cash with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry we can’t be here to help with the rest of the renovation,” Harper said.

“But that should cover any issues you run into,” Ryland finished.

“Oh, my God, I can’t accept this.”

“Of course, you can. We’re family now, right?” Ryland slid his arm around Harper, pulling her close.

“Seriously?” Savannah’s eyes flooded with tears.

“Get Charlie’s Place up and running, and I’ll get your sister back home as soon as I possibly can,” Ryland told her.

“Thank you,” Savannah murmured and sniffled softly. Then Harper stepped over and they hugged hard one last time.

“Take good care of Betty,” Harper reminded her.
