Page 16 of Secret Passion

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“Hey, Liliana, this is Paulie. We met in rehab; he’s a good guy.” His words were sincere, but there was an underlying tension that I couldn’t quite decipher. Paulie offered a small nod, and I returned it, deciding not to reveal what I knew about his true purpose.

“Nice to meet you, Paulie,” I said, forcing a smile.

As I poured the whiskey, my hands trembled slightly, and I found myself lost in thought. How long would I need to lie to my brother about Paulie? I would have to ask Nicholas before I said anything to David.

Turning, I handed them each a glass, watching as they took slow, deliberate sips. The amber liquid seemed to loosen something within David, and I could see the shadows in his eyes receding ever so slightly.

“Thank you, Liliana,” he said, his voice warm and appreciative.

“It’s been too long.”

“Far too long,” I agreed, watching him closely for any signs of deception. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit while you were away, David. Things have been...busy here.”

He looked around the opulent room, his eyes narrowing at the new additions that adorned our family home. I could see the frustration building within him, his grip tightening around the glass.

“Busy? Is that what you call it?” His voice rose, the words laced with bitterness. “While I was suffering through psychological torture in rehab, you were marrying into the best mafia family in the city.”

“David,” I interjected, trying to keep my voice calm and steady, “you know it wasn’t like that. My marriage to Nicholas was meant to protect us all, including you.”

“Protect us?” he scoffed, taking another swig of whiskey. “We’re more entangled in this twisted world than ever before, Liliana. When Papa pledged his loyalty to your husband, he pulled us further into the Romano Bianchi feud.

Hearing the anger and disappointment in my brother’s voice cut deep, a searing pain that settled in the pit of my stomach. In my heart, I knew he spoke the truth. But I couldn’t allow myself to dwell on the consequences of my actions, not when there was still so much at stake.

“I hated to say it, but he should know. “It’s an all-out war now, David. Let’s not argue about this now. We’re family, and we need to stick together.”

He sighed heavily, downing the last of his whiskey in one smooth gulp. His gaze met mine, dark and filled with an unspoken sadness that sent a chill down my spine.

“Family,” he echoed, the word heavy with a myriad of unspoken emotions. “Yes, Liliana, we are family. And I don’t intend to forget that.”

“Neither do I,” I said.

Just then, Nicholas strode into the living room. His commanding presence filled the room, and David immediately quieted down, knowing when to be silent. Nicholas’s piercing blue eyes locked onto David, and he extended a hand toward him.

“David,” he said, his voice deep and firm. “It’s been too long.”

David hesitated for a moment before reluctantly taking Nicholas’s hand. The tension between them was palpable. With a firm grip, Nicholas pulled David up from his seat, saying, “Is that any way to treat family?” He pulled David into a big hug, despite my brother’s evident discomfort.

As soon as they separated, it became clear that Nicholas was trying to win David over. He wore a warm smile on his face, though I could sense an undercurrent of unease between them.

“David, I’m sorry you weren’t able to be one of the groomsmen at our wedding,” Nicholas said, his tone genuine. “I know it must have been difficult for you. But I hope you understand that everything we’ve done has been for the sake of our families.”

My heart raced in my chest as I waited for David’s response. Would he accept Nicholas’s olive branch, or would the lingering resentment between them boil over?

“Has Liliana told you the big news?” Nicholas continued, attempting to steer the conversation toward lighter topics.

A flicker of confusion crossed David’s face, and I realized that I hadn’t yet shared the news with him. Swallowing hard, I braced myself, unsure of how he’d react to what I was about to say. “Not yet, Nicholas,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “But I think it’s time that we fill him in.”

“All right,” Nicholas said, grinning like a fool. “We’re expecting our first child next summer.”

The air in the room seemed to thicken as David processed the news. I could see the rage building behind his deep brown eyes, mirroring the hidden pain that he carried with him every day.

“Expecting a child?” David spat, his voice rising exponentially. “You think that’s going to make everything all right? It wasn’t enough that you got me thrown into gambling jail, but now you’ve stolen my sister and got her pregnant too?”

His face contorted with fury, screaming at Nicholas. I felt a surge of protectiveness for both my husband and my unborn child, but I knew better than to intervene just yet.

Paulie, who had been sitting silently until now, rose from his seat and attempted to calm David down. “Easy, David,” he urged, his muscular frame tense, ready to step in if necessary.

“Stay out of this!” David roared, lunging at Paulie with a clenched fist. But Paulie was swift, dodging the blow and gently subduing David without causing any harm.
