Page 33 of Secret Passion

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As we sped down the familiar streets, my heart hammered in my chest, and I tried to keep my focus on the road ahead. I knew that the birth of our child would bring both love and joy, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was about to change.

“Nicholas,” Riccardo said quietly, breaking the silence. “You’re going to be an incredible father, you know that, right?”

“Thank you, Riccardo,” I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I just hope I can live up to the expectations I’ve set for myself.”

He looked at me with understanding and nodded. “You will, my friend. I have no doubt.”

When we arrived at the hospital, I could feel my nerves threatening to get the better of me. Riccardo seemed to sense this and gave me a gentle slap on the back. “You’ve got this, Nicholas,” he said with confidence.

As we entered, I saw Sophia waiting for us in the lobby. “Where is she?”

Sophia waved to a nurse. “Her labor was progressing quickly, so they brought her into a room. The nurse will bring you to her.”

Hours later, I stepped out of the delivery room, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. A smile stretched across my face, and I beamed with pride.

“Nicholas!” Riccardo called out, rushing over with Sophia in tow. “How’s Liliana? And the baby?”

“Amazing,” I replied, pulling them both into a tight embrace. “Liliana did great, and baby Estelle is already a natural at breastfeeding.”

“Congratulations, Nicholas!” Sophia exclaimed, sweeping me up into a giant hug. “I knew Liliana would do great.”

“Thank you, Sophia,” I said, my voice thick with emotion. “And thank you both for being here today. It means the world to us.”

Chapter 18


The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the bedroom. I stirred, awakened by the gentle cries of my baby girl. A familiar warmth filled my chest, and I quickly slipped out of bed, intent on picking Estelle up before she fully woke up. Her crib stood near the window, and as I picked her up, her deep brown eyes met mine.

“Shh, sweetheart,” I whispered, cradling her in my arms as I carried her back to bed. Settling against the soft pillows, I began to nurse her, the melody of an old Italian lullaby drifting from my lips. I knew it was one my mother used to sing to me, though the memory of her voice had long since faded.

As Estelle suckled, the room remained still, save for the gentle rise and fall of Nicholas’ breaths beside me. His jet-black hair lay tousled upon his pillow, and the shadow of a beard graced his strong jawline. In sleep, he appeared almost at peace, the weight of our world temporarily lifted from his broad shoulders.

“Good morning, cara mia,” he murmured, blue eyes fluttering open as he shifted to look over my shoulder. He leaned in to press a soft kiss on my temple, then turned his gaze to our daughter. “Good morning, Estelle.”

As he kissed my shoulder, he said, “I’ve never been more in love with you than at this very moment.”

I laughed quietly. “You tell me that every morning. At some point you’re going to need to find something else to say. But maybe not yet.”

Estelle’s tiny hand wrapped around my finger as she finished nursing. Her eyes were growing heavy, the lullaby and warm milk soothing her back to sleep. I gently pulled her away from me and handed her to Nicholas, who took her with a tenderness I had never imagined he could possess.

“All right, little one,” he said to Estelle, positioning her against his shoulder. “Time for a burp.” He patted her back gently, and after a moment, a soft burp escaped her lips. I smiled at the sound – such a small noise signifying so much growth and life in our baby girl.

“Brava, little girl,” Nicholas praised her, his voice filled with love and admiration. With practiced ease, he laid Estelle down on the bed and began changing her diaper, making sure she was clean and comfortable before dressing her in fresh clothing.

As I watched them, I marveled at the bond that had formed between father and daughter. It seemed as if only yesterday we had welcomed Estelle into this world, and now here she was, growing and thriving under the care of a man who had once been a stranger to me.

I never would have imagined that the powerful, commanding man I married could transform into such a gentle and loving father. In the world of the mafia, Nicholas was a force to be reckoned with, respected and feared by many. But in our home, with our precious Estelle, he became tender and nurturing, his fierce protectiveness extending from me to our baby girl.

“Your turn,” Nicholas said softly, passing Estelle back to me. I took her in my arms, feeling the warmth of her tiny body against mine, and started making silly faces at her. Her eyes widened, trying to make sense of the different expressions on my face, and then she giggled – a sound so innocent and pure that it made my heart swell with joy. I tickled her gently, her laughter filling the room, and then handed her back to Nicholas.

“All right, let’s see if Daddy can get a bigger laugh,” he challenged playfully, holding Estelle up and making exaggerated faces. She squealed in delight, kicking her little legs with excitement. We continued taking turns, each trying to outdo the other with our silly antics, our laughter mixing with Estelle’s until tears streamed down our faces.

In those moments, when we were all together – just the three of us, safe and happy – the world outside seemed to disappear. The dangers and turmoil of the mafia life faded away, replaced by the sounds of love and happiness echoing through our home.

The joy we felt, the bond between us growing stronger with each passing day, was like a beacon of light in the darkness. And as I held my family close, I knew that no matter what challenges we faced or the shadows that threatened to engulf our world, this love would be our guiding star, our reason for fighting, and our hope for a brighter future.

As the laughter subsided and Estelle’s eyes grew heavy, I reveled in the warmth that filled the room. The love that Nicholas and I shared was a fierce fire, blazing through the dark corners of our lives with a ferocity that left nothing untouched.
