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Because she had a big heart.

Because she’d once been a kid who was forgotten—and had bonded with a group of other kids who were also forgotten.

And she wasn’t stopping.

Tonight we were at a benefit for the Breakers Foundation, and I was one of many hockey players posing for selfies and signing jerseys and talking up the items we’d donated to the silent auction.

My woman had called on connections old and new, and the guys on the team—and others including the Gold and the Sierra, and the newest addition to the league, the Eagles—had shown up for her.

But beyond getting players and donors with deep pockets who weren’t afraid to part with their cash to come, she had truly outdone herself. The event was beyond popular, tickets to the public had sold out in minutes, and when we all arrived it was to find the evening well-organized, with plenty of food, drinks, and things to do.

Prime that money to be donated.

Case in point?

My Pass with a Player package in the silent auction was up to six figures.

So, I knew the kids were going to be set, and I couldn’t wait to see what Beth did with the funding.

It would be great because my woman was fucking impressive…

She was also distracted.

And didn’t know that I’d called in a couple of favors of my own.

A man leaned into the room, his hazel eyes coming to mine, brows lifting in question.

I glanced down at my watch, saw that it was indeed time, and then nodded.

He disappeared.

I set my final piece into motion—moving to my woman, taking her by the hand, and drawing her away from the conversation she was having with Cas.

Exactly as planned.

Because it was fucking Go Time.

“Honey,” she said, “Cas needed—”

But my teammate just walked by us, moving into the hall, moving toward the private room I’d set up for just this moment.

It wouldn’t take long.

Then my woman could go back to kicking ass.

We just…had unfinished business.

“Wha—?” She glanced up at me, confusion in her eyes, but I was already drawing her the same direction in which Cas had disappeared.

The same place the rest of the people who loved Beth had already made their escape.

Taking advantage of the crush in the room.

Of her being distracted.

All except Cas, who was supposed to keep her busy.

Until now.
