Page 17 of Love Puck

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I wanted to tell her I was fine. That I’d had a reaction to something I ate. Only, I knew that wasn’t true because I hadn’t eaten anything this morning.

I’d taught my yoga class, done some work on my website, and then rushed to get ready for today’s excursions.

I opened my mouth to tell Clara I was fine. Instead, I opened my mouth and said, “Nope.”

The small, worried smile she had on her lips fell right off. “Oh, Jillian,” she sighed and shut the door behind her.

The tears that fell down my cheeks came fast—and hard. I could barely see Clara walking toward me.

When she got close enough, her hands touched my shoulders, and pulled me in for a giant hug.

“What the heck are you doing, girl?” she asked quietly as her body moved me side to side like she was rocking me. “Why are you marrying that douche canoe? We all know you love Cash. You’re perfect for each other.”

A new set of tears began falling, and I honestly had no idea how long I was in that bathroom with Clara. I told her I was stuck. That I had to marry Stuart.

After all that, she asked, “But you love Cash, right?” Her voice was so sweet and caring. I didn’t want to lie.

“Of course, I love Cash. He’s my soulmate, Clara. When—” I wiped my fingers underneath my eyes, “I first met him, it felt like I’d just completed a puzzle. Everything clicked into place, and life made sense.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Then break it off with Stuart and marry Cash.”

I shut my eyes and shook my head. “It’s not that easy, honey. It’s really not that easy.”

She brought me my clothes—and my sunglasses. And she told the crew that I was done filming for the day.

After I swore her to secrecy, she walked me out to my car.

Clara assured me that my—incident—wouldn’t make it onto the show. She’d see to it.

I believed that she believed that—but I also knew the show would air whatever would get them the most viewers and the most ratings.

Clara was young.

I doubted she had much—if any, pull with the powers that be.

So, yeah.

I was more than a little worried about tonight’s show. And what the heck I’d say if my screaming fit made it in.

How in the world was I supposed to explain that to everyone?

And why, oh, why had I bared my soul to a perfect stranger?


I was so stupid.

I should have kept my mouth shut. Like always.

“Whoa, is that Jillian’s spinach dip?” Lexi asked as she walked into the living room.

Gianna nodded her head and grabbed another piece of bread to dunk into the dip.

“Yum, move over. This is my favorite.” Lexi settled in beside Gianna and stuck a cracker inside the bread bowl container.

Everyone was here. The dogs were over at Trey’s house, so I didn’t have to worry about them.

I grabbed my lemonade off the counter and sat down on the couch beside Gigi.
