Page 23 of Love Puck

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Even if Stuart the douche canoe had more money than I did, I still had a lot.

I mean, how much cash did Jillian need? I’d been making millions a year.

For years.

She knew that.

Christ, the entire fucking world knew that.

But for some reason that wasn’t enough.

Or—I wasn’t enough.

My heart cracked again and it fucking hurt. I rubbed the middle of my chest and took a deep breath.

Okay, I tried to take a deep breath.

But I couldn’t.

It just hurt too fucking much.

When I finally pulled into the parking lot, I was relieved.

Relieved to be home.

Relieved to be away from the cameras.

Relieved to be away from Jillian.

I pulled my bag off the seat and opened the door.

And I kid you not.

The second I stepped out of my truck—Jillian pulled in right beside me.

Fuck me.

I slammed my door shut and walked around her car. “Cash, wait a second!” Jillian called out, but I kept moving. There was no way in fucking hell I was going to stop and talk with her. What was she going to say? All that woman could do now was drive another nail into my coffin.

If I let her.

And I never would.

Not again.


I was done with her.

For sure this time.

“I’m busy, Jillian!” I yelled back. “Go call your fiancé. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to hear from you.”

A warm hand landed on my arm and tugged. “Give me one freaking minute,” she said, sounding completely out of breath. “I deserve one minute.”

That made me stop on a dime and laugh. I turned to her and squinted. “Are you kidding me right now?” I stared a hole through her. “Please tell me you did not just say you deserve anything from me.” I pulled my arm out of her grasp. “Because that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. After everything you’ve done to me—” I inhaled sharply, “I owe you? I owe you exactly fuck-all, Jillian. Now leave me the hell alone.”

The expression on her face changed so drastically I thought she might start crying.
