Page 32 of Love Puck

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The two women looked me over. “We like you, Cash,” Gigi stated briefly.

“We do,” Lexi added, “but we don’t like it when anyone yells at our friends. All Jillybean will say is that she deserved what you said to her. But she won’t tell us why she’d deserve to get yelled at. Or what you said.”


I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. The fact that Jillian was taking the blame for this—fuck. That hit me right in the chest. And for some reason, I felt a whole lot lighter with that knowledge.

“Well, she’s wrong. She didn’t deserve me yelling. It was a dick move, and I won’t do it again.”

They stared at me for at least a minute before Gigi said, “We know people make mistakes, Cash. And we respect that you acknowledged it and apologized.”

Lexi nodded and stepped closer to me. “And that you didn’t try to throw her under the bus.” Lexi’s eyes scanned my face. “I can definitely respect that.”

They looked at each other.

Then back to me.

“Jillian told us we weren’t allowed to be mad at you. And that if she caught us being mad at you, she’d kick our asses.”

That made me chuckle, even though I really didn’t want to laugh.

“So, we’re going to do what she says, and trust her. Partly because we believe her,” Gigi said, but Lexi cut in.

“And partly because we’re a little afraid of her.”

I laughed out loud that time and felt some of the stress in my body dissipate.

“And also, because we really like you, Cash,” Gigi said as her hand touched my arm. “But honest to goodness, if you hurt our girl, we will kick your ass. Do you get me?”

I smiled at Gigi and nodded. “I get you. And I also think Jillian is very lucky to have you two on her side.”

They both gave me wide grins. Then, in a lower voice, I asked, “Are we good?”

Lexi smiled at me. “We’re—” she hesitated for a moment, “cautiously good.”

I nodded and felt a wave of relief. “I can accept and understand that.”

The last thing I needed was to have the women’s team kicking my ass.

After that, I thought maybe I’d sleep. But no. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Jillian in that red dress. And then my mind took that image and made up a lot of really great scenarios.

Like her knocking on my door in that red dress.

And me pulling her inside and removing that red dress. Then carrying her to my bed. And then—well, and then a lot of things.

Needless to say, I hardly slept.

Which was shitty because I had to be up early.

I yawned and hoped the day would go by quickly. Maybe we’d luck out and be able to leave by noon.

I turned into the tiny parking lot on my right. As soon as I pulled into the last empty stall, I noticed all the people.


It was a fucking zoo here already, and the day had hardly begun.

I jumped out of my truck and headed into the building. It was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers. A giant “Happy Forever Home Day!!” banner hung across the far wall.
