Page 67 of Love Puck

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I’d seen with my own two eyes how much she could make from one bikini launch.

Not to mention the money that sponsors gave her.

The team gave the women a paycheck, too. Granted, it wasn’t close to what the men made—but it was still something.

And Jillian did not lead an extravagant lifestyle. Not at all.

There were no expensive trips or luxury vehicles.

And even if there were, her mom was loaded. And her dad had made millions playing pro-hockey. I doubted he pissed it all away.

Jillian’s mom had to have made a pretty penny so far in her career, too. She was a much sought after celebrity in her own right.

So, the question in my mind was—couldn’t her mom buy a new computer? Christmas was just around the corner.

Even if it wasn’t, Jillian could always ask for help.

If it were my mom—before I made pro—she’d lend me the money.

Then make me cut her enormous lawn a few hundred times to pay her back.

None of that made sense to me.


I didn’t understand Jillian’s relationship with her mom.

Not at all.

During the Single Girl show, we were supposed to visit her mom during an episode. But at the last minute, she canceled. The only reason Jillian gave was that, “It wasn’t a good time.”

To me, that seemed more than a little weird. Especially since Jillian’s mom was so well-known. You’d think she’d jump at the chance to help her daughter out and show off where Jillian came from.



I had to admit I’d been disappointed—and a little embarrassed. And she wasn’t even my mom.

Anyway, even if Jillian’s mom refused to help out her daughter—then her fucking douche canoe of a fiancé should step in and buy Jillian a new goddamn computer.

He had the money.

And he’d made sure to inform everyone on the property of that fact.

Why he wouldn’t put out and buy his woman something that she desperately needed—I’d never understand.

After a few minutes, I stood up and asked, “Can you guys watch Wyatt for an hour? I have an errand to run.”


What should have taken me half an hour, took triple that. I’d texted Trey. He had Wyatt at his place and said my dog could stay with them tonight.

Which made all of this slightly less stressful.

Getting what I needed wasn’t the stressful part. I knew exactly what to buy.

For some reason, my guts were in a knot thinking about Jillian in a panic.
