Page 18 of Strictly Off Limits

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A young man with the Riverwalk logo on his T-shirt approached.

“You must be Sergeant Maguire. I’m supposed to let you take your girlfriend on as many boat rides as you want.”

“Thanks. We’ll be back before you close up. The lady would like the swan.”

“They always do,” the kid said, then found the rope tied to the swan and pulled it closer to the dock’s edge.

He expertly guided them both into the pedal boat—still, the swan swayed a little, and before she knew it, her thigh was pressed against Conner’s as they started to pedal away from the dock.

“This was a bad day to do that ten-mile bike ride.”

“I can pedal for both of us if your legs are too tired,” he said, picking up the pace. Somehow, he guided their swan in a line parallel to the shore away from the Riverwalk dock.

There was a breeze on the water, but the late afternoon sun was still shining. The left side of her body was pressed against Conner, and her heart was thumping double time.

What would happen if he weren’t her brother’s sworn enemy?

“These boat rides will add a little extra romance to the movie night,” he said.

On cue, a fish jumped out of the water just ahead of their boat.

“If nothing else, it’ll give the couples options. I was thinking maybe we should let a few food trucks know we plan to host a movie night at the wharf and they can park at the field,” she said.

“Great idea.”

It was nice to bounce ideas off him.

“So you could have just told me about this via text—we didn’t really need to come out here.”

Conner stopped pedaling and maneuvered the swan to face out toward the river. They were sitting under the overhang of a few large trees and could watch the other boats cruise by.

“I wanted to see you, so I needed a good excuse to lure you out.”


“Because I like you, Hannah.” He said with a sigh. “Actually, I more than like you—I’m extremely attracted to you. I have been since your freshman year of college. But you were my best friend’s little sister, then you were my ex-best friend’s little sister.”

“And now I’m your means to take another shot at my brother?” Her skin was pebbled with goose bumps, and her heart pounded like it was going to beat out of her chest.

“No, you’re my desire. I can’t stop thinking about you. You can’t say you don’t feel this connection between us. It’s always been there like gravity, drawing us together.”

Shifting his shoulder back, he turned and leaned over their legs pressed together. His left hand skimmed up the side of her neck, and she gasped as he leaned in close, his mouth a breath away from hers.

She didn’t pull away.

She didn’t push him away as he slowly ran his thumb along her lower lip.

“Tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you, and I won’t.”

He gave her every chance to stop him, but she didn’t want him to stop. The boat had shifted in the tide so they were facing the bank of the river with a line of trees blocking any passing cars from seeing them. Finally, he lowered his mouth on hers. Warmth enveloped her as his full lips pressed against hers, and his tongue gently nudged her mouth open. His hand slid into her hair, and she angled her head so he had better access. One hand moved to his muscular thigh while the other gripped his bicep. He was all hard edges, but his touch was soft and gentle.

He ran kisses along her jaw, over her ear, and along her neck before landing back on her mouth. His kisses were growing more intense—if only the swan seats reclined! Before she could reconsider what she was doing, she climbed out of her seat and straddled his lap. The boat swayed a bit but was too bottom heavy to tip. This position gave him better access to her mouth, and she rewarded herself with the feel of his hard body beneath hers. Her hips were moving on their own as she rocked over him.

And there was no doubt he was just as turned on as her.

A hum of pleasure moved up his throat, causing her lips to vibrate as his kisses grew needy. She wanted to possess him. In this moment, he finally wanted her just as much as she’d always wanted him. His fingers kneaded into her thighs as he pulled her down closer to grind along his length. He kissed her throat and along the top of her dress, making her crave more. Leaning her head back, she indulged in his hot mouth on her skin after all these years.

It was better than she’d imagined. He was more consuming than she’d expected. Running her hands up his shoulders, she gripped the back of his seat and swirled her hips over him, earning a low growl.
