Page 24 of Strictly Off Limits

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Bolting up, she looked away from the photoshoot. She’d been so focused on Conner she forgot her brother, a fireman, would probably see all the activity and come outside to critique the event he called ridiculous.

“Well, for starters, several dates if you don’t ruin it for her,” Dre said as he settled between them in the back of the ambulance.

“Dates with some guy that wants to pose for a ridiculous calendar that will probably only sell to their moms?” Parker said with disdain.

She knew the minute he spotted Conner.

“No surprise Maguire would be willing to sell himself, but why’d you have to include him? Is it really so hard for you to let your schoolgirl crush go?”

With a cough, Dre got up and took a few steps away to give them privacy.

“Wow, that was harsh. Considering you haven’t offered up any ideas on fundraising events, I don’t think your opinion matters much. Conner thought up this event, got volunteers, and we’ve already pre-sold more than a hundred copies. You’re so preoccupied with hating him, you’ve forgotten the point of all this. Latchkey kids just like us after Mom died. Kids hanging out at the community center because their parents are working, or worse, their home environments aren’t safe.”

“You don’t need him to help with everything. You’re talented enough to plan all this out yourself. I told you I would help with anything you asked. I’m just not interested in working with a traitor like Maguire.”

She took a deep breath, trying not to be pissed at her brother, but feeling frustrated with his narrow view.

“Is it impossible for you to consider that your girlfriend of a year was the traitor and acknowledge that maybe you were wrong? Not to mention I’m no longer a schoolgirl. I don’t need your approval or permission to work with him. Either way, he’s here as the police representative for a charity photo shoot, not for me. I can’t run all these events on my own.”

“Wrong about finding them in bed together? Are you serious?” Parker’s tone was quiet and angry at the same time.

If there was one thing Parker hated more than Conner, it was making a scene or being the butt of a joke. She suspected Parker held Conner more responsible for what happened because of their long friendship. The betrayal was topped off with the humiliation that they slept together in his own apartment. If it had even actually happened. She didn’t know what to think anymore.

Before she could respond, the photographer walked over, having gotten all the shots, including a group shot of the twelve gorgeous men.

“This was an easy shoot,” the young woman said. “I think these calendars are going to sell out fast.” She smiled, but then her eyes landed on Parker.

“Any chance I can get you to pose for a shot? Even with that grumpy face you’d make a handsome cover model. It’s for a good cause.”

The photographer tried to coax Parker with a compliment, but his furrowed brow eased only for a split second.

“I don’t take my clothes off for charity,” he replied before stalking off to talk to the firemen still outside.

“Too bad,” the photographer said. “I’ll send you the layout later today, Hannah, you can make the final call on which pics to use, and then we can send them off for print.”

“Great. Thanks, Megan. Sorry my brother was rude,” Hannah said.

“I’m sure it didn’t have anything to do with me, but if he’s single, will you give him my card?”

Hannah laughed and accepted a slick business card with Megan’s cell number in bold gold letters.

“I’ll definitely give him your card,” she agreed, waving goodbye.

Scanning the area for Conner, she caught sight of him getting into his Jeep.

She was relieved he didn’t come back over while her brother was so close by but also disappointed. Her stomach sank as he closed the door and drove away. She shouldn’t want his attention. She’d just told her brother there was nothing between them, because there wasn’t.

Yet there was.

Feeling robbed of a moment with Conner, she was excited to find an envelope on the windshield of her truck. Inside was a card with the name of a spa embossed on the thick paper. She’d never heard of the location, but a quick search indicated it was located farther out in wine country. She knew it was from Conner, but did this mean they were going to the resort together?

She tried to resist reaching out to him, but curiosity won.

Are you taking me to this resort with the five-star spa?she texted.

He fired back quickly but with less detail than she hoped.

When you’re ready.
