Page 41 of Strictly Off Limits

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“You mean for more charities?” Hannah asked.

“No, I mean as a career or side hustle, as the young folks say.”

The older woman’s silver hair had a tinge of pink in one stripe. She looked like a hip grandmother dressed in black slacks and a flowy blouse, not a boxing ring owner and manager.

“You have a real knack for throwing an event. I didn’t expect tonight’s match to be so well-planned-out or attended. You made more than ten thousand in sales and donations, and that’s after the gym fee, which I decided to include as a charity write-off.”

Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at the woman’s use of business savvy to disguise her generosity.

“Thank you. I was thinking that once the new youth center is set up, maybe one of your trainers could offer a few classes to the kids.”

“See, you’re always looking at the angles. Smart. I’ll tell you what. I’ll consider having one of the trainers create some kind of nonviolent class for the kids if you agree to help me plan another sparring event. This time with real fighters.”

“Deal.” Hannah knew a good offer when she heard one, and they shook on it.

“Real fighters. What do you call me?” Conner said from over her shoulder.

“Chopped liver and a daisy. We all saw you throw that fight, Maguire.”

Hannah couldn’t help but laugh, until Conner reached out and grabbed her around the waist.

“You think that was real funny, huh?”

The wind whooshed out of her as he hoisted her over his shoulder with her rear end in the air by his face.

“Help,” she managed to yelp before he walked them back toward the weight room, away from anyone left cleaning up.

He gave her a slap on the ass, and heat exploded through her body. His left hand rubbed the tender spot on her bottom, and she pinched his side to convince him to put her down.

“How do you know my brother isn’t lurking around waiting to sucker punch you again?” she asked as they entered the dim room filled with weight benches and mirrors.

He didn’t turn on the lights as he walked her farther into the center of the room. Then slowly he slid her down over his shoulder, along his chest, and back onto her feet.

“Because I saw him leave right before you walked into the gym,” he said. A wicked smile spread on his handsome face.

He held her hips against his, forcing her to arch her neck to meet his eyes. But she was getting distracted by his mouth and the memory of how intimately he had kissed her on their first date.

“You know I wasn’t convinced your feelings for me ran deeper than a physical attraction until you showed up at the hospital tonight. You were worried about me, and not because you thought I’d be too injured to kiss you.”

“Feelings?” Her breathing was heavy, and her pulse was pounding.

One of his hands glided up her ribcage, brushing the side of her breast before he gripped her neck in his warm, large palm. His thumb ran back and forth along her jaw, teasing her.

“Yes, we have deep-rooted feelings for each other, Little Miss Heartbreaker, and don’t bother trying to deny it.”

His mouth was on hers before she could attempt to refute him. Next, he hoisted her up, and on instinct, her legs wrapped around his waist. Every touch, every kiss fed her need for him but only made her want more.

It was like he could read her mind.

Pushing her against a wall, he stroked and caressed every inch he could touch. With his face buried in her neck, his mouth nipping at her tender flesh, he coaxed her into a frenzy. She wanted him to take her now, against the wall or on a weight bench. She was even wondering what they could do on the exercise balls.

“We either find a closet or we need to head back to my place,” he said, still teasing her with one hand gripping her neck before his tongue ran along her ear.

“Closet,” she breathed.

He sucked in a breath before his mouth moved up her throat over to her ear.

“I’ve waited too long for you to settle for the closet,” he whispered low in her ear.
