Page 45 of Strictly Off Limits

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“Don’t be mad. I promise I’m going to fix this.”

She saw the desperation she felt reflecting back at her in his green eyes.


“Because you’ve ensnared me, and I don’t want to know what it’s like to be without you again. I’m too far gone. There’s no hope for me.”

Stepping up on her tiptoes, she met his soft lips with her own light kisses that turned heated and desperate as they collided. Clothes were yanked off, hands were roving, mouths were melding. Conner’s shoulder muscles flexed as he lifted her off the ground and walked her back toward the kitchen counter. The granite against her bottom did nothing to cool the heat spreading between her legs as his hips pressed forward between her thighs.

One hand made a slow path over her collarbone, over her breast, lower until his hand slid into her loose sleep shorts. Her head fell back as she let the sensations and his touch take over. Her only thoughts were of how her body needed him.


The next morning,she let herself enjoy the stillness and relaxation of a Sunday. They slept past eight, which felt a lot like a luxury, made love, and showered before finally admitting they’d have to be somewhat productive.

“I’m going to run into the office for a few hours and review last night’s surveillance. Then I’ll pick you up at five for dinner at my folks’,” Conner said from behind her, still laying in bed.

“I thought dinner wasn’t until seven.”

“It’s not, but I want some alone time with you before we get to my parents’ and they steal you away from me.”

He kissed her neck and pulled her body against his.

“I can’t argue with that logic,” she said.

“Good, what are you doing today?”

“Church with my family, and then I’m going to triple-check that everything is ready for the gala next weekend.”

“You’re in the homestretch. I think you’re going to exceed expectations on this fundraiser. City council will have to approve your new community center proposal.”

“We made a good team. We’ve raised twenty thousand so far, and those calendars keep selling out.”

His scruff tickled her neck, and his laugh filled her with warmth. But the familiar loud knock at the front door broke the spell. Her heart fell to the floor.

“Oh no, that has to be one of my brothers.” She broke out of his arms to open the curtain and saw Parker’s truck in the narrow driveway. “He’ll see your truck.”

“No, he won’t. I drove my other car over and parked it a block away. And I grabbed our clothes from downstairs last night.”

Whipping back, she could see the hurt in his eyes.

“You did?”

The knocking started again.

“I’ll wait up here until he leaves, unless you want me to sneak out the back.”

“I don’t want you to have to do either, but we have no choice.”

He just nodded and sat back on the bed. She kissed him hard and hoped he believed she didn’t want to hurt him. She closed the door and sprinted down the stairs.

“Coming,” she called and spotted the flowers Conner brought the night before just as she opened the door.

Parker stood with a bag of breakfast burritos and coffee at the front door. She forgot it was his Sunday to get breakfast for everyone. She grabbed for the bag, but he was quicker.

“You can have one of these, but it’ll cost you.”

“What’s the toll?” She opened the front door wide for him.
