Page 47 of Strictly Off Limits

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“We’re working on the events together, and early morning is the only time he can ever meet up. He’s working on some big case or something.”

Parker nodded.

“I have to keep you two separated since you can’t be cordial, so he stops by the center. No big deal.”

“That’s what I figured you’d say. I told him you’re a free agent and no sister of mine would date a dirtbag like Conner.”

She nodded and fought the desire to defend Conner.

Parker took another big sip of coffee before standing. “Alright, see you at church. You better hustle. I gotta meet Grady and Leo before mass starts. They want their burritos too.”

“What about Dad’s?”

“He was already at Rita’s when I got there, with his new lady friend.”

“What, who?” She hadn’t talked with her dad or her twin brothers since this project started.

“I’ll tell you if you tell me who sent you those flowers. Long stem white roses—that’s expensive,” he said, eyeing the discarded flowers by the door.

“What do you know about buying flowers?”

“We all have our secrets,” he said.

His boots sounded loud on her wood floors, and she hoped Conner’s patience would hold out.

Parker lifted the roses and looked them over.

“No card. Must have been a special delivery. You really should put these in water.”

She accepted the heavy bouquet and sniffed them.

“Why don’t you ask the photographer to be your date. She’s already attending to get some publicity shots. She can join you when she’s done.”

“I’ll think about it,” he said as he looked around suspiciously.

Nothing else was out of place. Conner had done a thorough job of retrieving their clothes.

“Alright, I need to get dressed. See you at church. Try not to fall asleep this time,” she said, pushing him toward the now-open door.

“The Lord doesn’t mind a few winks between prayers,” he said with a faux Irish accent. Their priest was from Ireland and always had a few funny words of sarcastic wisdom for them on Sundays.

“Aye,” she said. “Thanks for breakfast.”

“Yup, your turn next week.”

She watched as her brother drove off in his truck before she retrieved her coffee. She made her way back upstairs like a walk of shame.

Conner lay on the freshly made bed, fully dressed with his eyes closed. She set the coffee down next to him.

“Are you asleep or just annoyed?”

“Neither.” His arms reached out to grab her hips and guide her to straddle him.

“I was plotting my revenge on your beautiful body for eating without me.”

“Careful. I might like getting your punishments.”

“That’s the plan,” he said before gripping the back of her head and guiding her mouth down over his.
