Page 58 of Strictly Off Limits

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“Alright, thanks for dinner and the workout. I’ll see you Saturday. Ainsley said she sent a lead to her network and asked if they could do a piece on the event. They’re supposed to send someone, so that should be good press.”

“Great, I’ll let Hannah know. She’ll probably want a real red carpet out front.”

“That’s a great idea. People love to do those picture booth things at events.”

His brother left to head home to his fiancée, and a twinge of jealousy gripped Conner’s heart. He wanted to know the feeling of loving someone and them returning that love, and he wanted it to be with Hannah. It had been years in the making, but it was clear to him she had always been “the one.”

On the drive home, his mind bounced between annoyance with Parker to wondering if she was feeling better. Did she regret ending things with him? Could it really be the end? He’d checked his phone all day and night, and there weren’t any responses to his messages or pictures. But she was probably sleeping and didn’t realize how close the big event was. In order to get some sleep, he promised himself he would speak to her the next day, even if he had to go through Parker.

Chapter Twenty-Three

After three daysof fevers, chills, sweats, no appetite, and hibernating, Hannah woke up with a jolt. The warm sun was shining in through her curtains, and she could hear someone downstairs. Her dad had moved in the second day, when it was clear she wasn’t going to bounce back fast. Her brothers stopped by to check on them and deliver meals, but the only thing she’d kept down was a broth.

How far behind was she on the gala preparation? Slowly, she disentangled herself from her bed. She didn’t see her phone in sight but took a big swig of the ginger ale her father had left by her bed in an insulated mug. The cold sweetness made her stomach growl, and she took her temperature: 98.6.

She was better, but her limbs felt fatigued and slow.

A shower was bound to at least make her feel fresher, so that was her first stop. Then she could find her phone and figure out how to get the gala set up in time. Conner’s green eyes popped into her mind as she stood in the hot water. Had he heard she was sick? He probably had no idea and wouldn’t have cared after she refused to stand up to her brother. Her dad surprised her when he said she was being loyal to the wrong person—she had always been told family came first. What had changed?

“There she is,” her dad said, wearing her pink apron in the small kitchen. There was a stack of pancakes on the counter, along with fresh fruit, bacon, and scrambled eggs in the pan.

“I thought you might have your appetite back today.”

Walking around the counter, she stepped up on her tiptoes and gave her dad a big hug. His full white beard scratched her cheek, reminding her of being a kid again.

“Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Oh, shush. You’re my little baby, even when you’re all grown up. Now, fix a plate and get some meat back on those bones. You didn’t eat for three days.”

As ordered, she piled her plate full: one pancake covered in fruit, bacon, and syrup.

“I never understood why you eat it like that.”

“Because my three brothers would steal everything on my plate if I didn’t make it look unappetizing,” she said through her first bite.

There was a halfhearted knock at the door before it swung open, and all three of her brothers stomped in. Waving, she grabbed another pancake before they could get them all.

“You couldn’t wait for us?” Parker took the seat next to her and leaned over her arm to look at her plate.

Before he could even try to take her pancake, she covered it in whipped cream.

“Gross. At least you’re awake this time.” He rubbed her back in an uncommon display of affection. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”

Gulping down her bite with coffee, she watched as the stack of pancakes disappeared, and Grady and Leo argued over who took more.

At twenty-two, they both looked like they played professional sports, but Leo was leaner and kept his hair longer, where Grady was clean cut.

“You had a visitor yesterday,” Parker said as he methodically poured syrup in a swirl on his stack of pancakes.

Taking another bite, she schooled her features and tried not to seem too eager to hear who had stopped by to see her.

Grady, on her other side, bumped her shoulder. “I got your back, sis.”

“What? Why?”

“He means he’ll choose your side if you decide to keep seeing Conner Maguire,” Parker said.

Leo let out a low whistle. “Oh, me too. You know I always vote for love. Besides, it’s fun to see Parker’s head explode.” Reaching over, he gave her a fist bump.
