Page 63 of Strictly Off Limits

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Wiping her eyes and putting on a pair of big sunglasses, she got out of her car at the wharf. There were a dozen vendors arriving today with everything for the gala, and she needed to be focused and professional. She would just have to deal with Conner and his lies after the event. Maybe he had slept with Mariah in college, and they’d decided to rekindle things. Clearly, he’d reached out to her and failed to mention it, or maybe they never lost touch. Hannah’s stomach rolled when she remembered she’d sent Mariah a ticket. Conner wouldn’t be able to hide his deceptions tonight, and Hannah would be forced to watch.

It was early, so none of the vendors were there yet. She could at least start setting up some of the rented tables for the auction and seating. Then hopefully, someone would arrive to distract her.

She spent all morning and most of the afternoon setting up the large space for the gala. Thoughts of Conner plagued her all day.

Why had Conner insisted he loved her when he was talking to Mariah at the same time? Why did he do so much work on the fundraisers?

How could he be so thoughtful and deceptive at the same time?

Had it all been part of his act, the long game to get in her bed?

Was she just a conquest?

He continued to call her all morning, until she finally blocked him. She would deal with him when she was ready, on her own time.

When a familiar sports car pulled up around five, she exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. Conner folded out of the car like a male model, effortlessly handsome. His hair was slicked back, while dark sunglasses hid his beautiful eyes, and her gut reaction to love him was like a knife twisting deep in her heart. Backing away, she headed inside the warehouse, looking for some other tasks to distract her. There were half a dozen people spreading out linens on tables, placing glasses at the makeshift bar, and setting out auction donations.

Conner strode through the entrance and spotted her across the warehouse in an instant. In a few strides, he stood in front of her, but she avoided his eyes as long as she could.

“You’re going to have to talk to me,” he said in his deep, calm voice.

His hands hung at his sides, with the palms out in a welcoming gesture, as if he was innocent or could coax her into believing him. She followed his strong hands up his arms, over his chest. But beneath his calm façade, his entire body was tense, like he was upset. His green eyes were almost black, like the ocean before a storm. And the crease of his brow proved he was distraught.

“I know what you think you saw. Mariah’s ridiculous texts. But it’s really not what you think.”

She scoffed. “How would you know what I think?”

“I reached out to her to invite her to the gala so that we could have this showdown once and for all, so that Parker would have to listen when she admits we never slept together. Remember, I told you I had a plan.”

“Interesting, because it sounds like Mariah is planning to have a repeat of the last time you two slept together. According to her, you’ve got a hotel room nearby and big plans to reenact your disgusting sexual escapades, which for all I know happened last month. It’s clear she feels pretty familiar with you.”

Through clenched teeth Conner said, “I have never slept with Mariah. She is full of shit. She thinks we’re staying together because she is delusional. I played along so that she would attend the gala where I plan to get a confession out of her.”

“That’s your big cover-up? That you’re not lying to me, you’re lying to Mariah?”

Conner exhaled and let his head fall back as if to ask the sky for help. His gorgeous tan throat made her want to kiss him, which only spurred more anger deep in her gut. He had managed to force her to want him even more than before.

“I’m not lying to you. We spoke about getting her to admit she lied. You sent her the invitation. You knew she was coming to the gala.”

“Yes, I sent it because I wanted to confront her myself. But she certainly never sent me an RSVP via her tits.”

“Hannah, you’re being unreasonable.”

“I’m unreasonable for what exactly? Not wanting to let you make love to me in the morning before you hook up with your ex tonight?”

She tried to walk away, but he gently gripped her arm. A rush of desire and goose bumps washed over her. Even her body betrayed her when it came to him.

“I swear I have never lied to you; I will never lie to you. I have no intention of being with Mariah, and I never have.”

Conner’s words rang true, but the messages and images on his phone from Mariah didn’t seem like some delusional woman’s texts. She clearly expected to spend the evening with him, and he had let her assume that—or worse, encouraged it.

“Look, I have to concentrate on getting this event right, or the community center won’t get approved. I can’t worry about my embarrassment or broken heart right now. If you’re telling the truth, then we’ll see what happens when you show up with Mariah or reject her in front of Parker, whatever your plan entails. One way or the other, the truth will come out tonight.”

“But you don’t believe me. Once again, you’re defaulting to distrust. How can you expect me to be okay with always having to defend myself with you?”

All the tension she was holding in her shoulders released, and the moment of defeat hurt more than any doubt about what had happened that night between him and Mariah. He was right. The sour feeling of betrayal wasn’t in her stomach anymore, and her heart told her to believe him. But logic told her to keep her guard up. Maybe that was just residual from years of believing a lie and fear of putting herself out there.

“You’re right. It’s never going to work,” she said.
