Page 1 of Love and Order

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Chapter One


Whenever the hairson the back of his neck stood up, Finn knew something was about to happen. It was a cliché he found to be true on every mission he’d ever served on as a SEAL.

Being summoned up to the senior partner’s conference room on the fifth floor of the law firm where he worked was his first indication. But now, as he stepped off the elevator into the plush lobby with gleaming slate marble floors and platinum frames wrapped around graphic photos of Lady Justice, he caught the scent of mint. Which could only mean that Hailey Adams was also included in this meeting. His heart skipped a beat, and he could feel a flush of warmth move up his back. Like a childish schoolyard crush, Finn couldn’t stop his body’s reaction to his colleague—no matter how hard he tried.

Stepping beyond the doorway into the conference room, Finn was rewarded with the sight of her, the most alluring woman he knew—and the most standoffish. She was seated alone on one side of the table, across from two of the managing partners who owned the firm, Mr. Baxter and Mrs. Stewart. They also oversaw the selection of two rookie lawyers to compete for the coveted junior partner position each year.

“Finn, have a seat, and we’ll get started,” Mr. Baxter said, gesturing to Hailey’s side of the long conference table.

Hailey’s back was to him, and her body visibly stiffened before she turned her icy-blue eyes on him, then offered him a curt nod. It was the closest thing to acknowledgement he’d ever received from her. For the two years he’d worked at Baxter and Stewart, Hailey had remained an enigma. Always working, quiet, and by all accounts, the partners’ favorite junior lawyer.

“As you may have guessed, this meeting is in regard to the junior partnership,” Mr. Baxter announced.

Finn took his seat next to Hailey, careful not to brush her arm draped in a black blazer. Sitting poised with her shoulders back and dainty hands in her lap. The only indication she might be nervous was the light flush that rose along her creamy complexion.

“This year we’ve decided to try a new model for choosing the junior partner. Instead of giving you each a difficult case, we’re pairing you together on a big case.” Mrs. Stewart said.

Hailey’s breath caught, and he fought the urge to smile. While he didn’t have as much time at the firm as several of the other junior associates in the rookie bullpen, since passing the bar, he was by far the more mature option. So this was why Mr. Baxter had been prompting him to be certain about the kind of law Finn wanted to practice long term.

“What is the case?” Hailey asked when neither partner offered any additional information.

“Good question. We think this has all the markings of a real disaster—a million-dollar empire, marriage in ruins, and child custody,” Mrs. Stewart said.

“Child custody? Is this the Tovarv.Tovar divorce?” Hailey asked.

“Finn, you better pay attention. Hailey has an uncanny ability to know everything that goes on in this firm. She’s already one step ahead of you,” Mr. Baxter said.

“Sir, no doubt she is several steps ahead of me, but I run fast, so I’m not worried.”

In truth, if he was being put up against Hailey for the junior partnership, it was only a fig leaf to show the other junior associates everyone had to work hard for a coveted partnership. Hailey was dedicated to the law and brilliant. Everyone expected her to be the next rookie elevated to junior partner, but it looked like the partners had one last lesson to teach her.

They each accepted a black file folder Baxter slid across the table to them.

Then the partners stood. “Your first meeting with Mrs. Tovar is in an hour, so you’ll need to develop a game plan quickly, as a team. Decide if you’ll proceed in court with presenting a united front or allowing one lawyer to take the lead at different junctures,” Mr. Baxter said.

Hailey took a deep breath. “To be clear, we’ll be judged collectively on the outcome, and one of us will win the junior partnership?”

Mrs. Stewart grinned. Although she’d brought Hailey into the firm, she seemed to push Hailey as much as she pushed herself.

“That’s right, Hailey, only one lawyer standing between you and this victory, but you’ll have to work with him, not against him. As partners in this firm, we all benefit when we all win, but there is a natural tendency for the junior lawyers to compete or even sabotage each other. The firm can’t risk reputation over poor sportsmanship, so we’re teaming you together.”

“We’ll be thick as thieves,” Finn offered, but Baxter looked unsure if they could pull it off.

“Good luck to you both.”

Once the partners exited, Hailey studied the information in the folder. Internally, Finn was doing his happy dance over the fact that the partners handed him the perfect opportunity to spend time with her. Something he had been unable to accomplish in the two years he’d worked for the firm.

“Finn Maguire. Nice to meet you,” he said, facing her profile and perfect posture.

“I know who you are,” she said with an exhale while continuing to stare at the documents in the folder. “We have one hour to prep for this, so save the attempts to handle me.”

His mouth ached to smile at her seriousness, but he didn’t dare. Instead he opened his own folder and began to read. A minute later, he found her flawless forehead scrunched and a frown pulling on her full pink lips.

“Am I missing something? This seems like a cut-and-dried divorce. There is a prenup in place, so Mr. Tovar keeps the majority of his wealth. The custody in the state of Virginia generally favors the mother, but if pressed and able, the father will get 50 percent time,” Finn said.

“I agree, but on page three with the full list of assets, it notes that Mrs. Tovar’s online retail shop falls under Tovar Enterprises. However, there is no documentation to support that. Mrs. Tovar is specifically seeking counsel on how to extricate her business from the divorce proceedings, but Mr. Tovar is fighting her, claiming a breach of the prenup.”
