Page 22 of Love and Order

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“I better go with the cozy, or I’ll never fall asleep.”

He nodded, then poured the steaming water over two cups.

“I’m going to find out who else wants tea, or I’ll be back in the doghouse. Just sit tight and relax.”

He set the steaming hot cup in front of her and she felt his other hand on the back of her chair, but he didn’t touch her. The impulse to reach out to him was strong, but she squashed it down. He was just being a good host and colleague; she shouldn’t overthink his kindness for affection. Before she could dwell on it, she heard her name being called from the fire pit. Then he reappeared.

“My brothers would like to question you about how I behave in court, but my mom is coming in so we can talk shop.”

She smiled and stood as Cora entered the room, with Hannah and Conner on her heels. They were headed out, but before she left, Hannah gave Hailey a big hug, surprising her with the familiarity.

“Take care of yourself,” Hannah said in a concerned tone.

“Thank you for your help. I promise I won’t make you work next time I see you,” Hailey said, knowing she probably wouldn’t see the woman again.

“Alright, you two. Let’s sit in the living room, and we can talk,” Cora said, grabbing her own tea. “Your father is off on a tangent about training scenarios with Rory, and we’ll never get a word in edgewise outside.”

For the next hour, they picked Cora’s brain about the case Finn remembered and any other cases she knew of that were similar. She was a wealth of knowledge, and Hailey was struck by how measured and intelligent her answers were and how clearly she’d dedicated her life to her family and the law. When it was time to go, Hailey couldn’t help but feel disappointed and a little jealous that Finn had grown up with such an advantage. But it wasn’t fair for her to project her own sad story on him, even if he was her competition.

His mother packed up enough food to last her the week and made Hailey promise that she would visit her at court whenever she had time.

“No matter what happens with this partner selection, I expect to see you again Hailey, or I’ll hunt you down myself,” Cora said before she wrapped her in a warm hug.

“Thank you so much for dinner and your wisdom. I promise not to thrash your son in court too badly.”

His mom and dad laughed as they walked them to the door. They watched at the threshold as she and Finn walked down the brick path back to his car. It was almost ten o’clock, and the fatigue of the day was hitting her. Finn opened her door, and she reveled in the kind courtesy. It was nice to have someone look out for her for once.

“I think I kept you out too late,” he said once he was buckled in next to her.

Resting her head back on the seat, she gazed at him.

“Afraid you’ll turn into a pumpkin?”

“No, and I wouldn’t need a glass slipper to find you again,” he said.

“That would make you Prince Charming. I can see a resemblance.” Exhaustion was muddling her mind.

He smiled and pulled the car onto the road. They were both quiet as he maneuvered the twisty streets. The manicured and well-lit sidewalks of his parents’ neighborhood turned into old city streets with bus stops and a few homeless people camping on storefronts. In front of her building, he turned off the car and started to get out before she could bother to argue, retrieved the to-go bag his mom packed, and opened her door for her again.

“I’m just going to walk you to the door so I can sleep with a clear conscience.”

“It’s a perfectly safe neighborhood. Besides, if someone wanted to cause trouble, they would go after the shops where there are more valuables.”

“You’re valuable, trust me,” he said, walking with one hand on her elbow so lightly she didn’t realize it was there until he let go.

They stopped in front of the rust-colored steel door that led to the stairwell up to her apartment. She dug for her keys and smiled up at him when she found them.

His forehead was crinkled again.


“I just think it would be safer if you lived in a building with a doorman.”

“Safer and expensive. I’m fine. I even have this if someone tries to mess with me.” She lifted out her Taser to prove she could defend herself.

“And who else has a key to this stairwell?” he asked.

“Only the three other residents. There are four apartments.”
