Page 24 of Love and Order

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“That is my interpretation of the law too, but it would be tidier if we had a paper trail to prove our side,” Finn said.

Hailey’s smile felt like he’d won a marathon.

“Is that how you like things to be, tidy?” she asked.

“When it comes to a case, or my house, otherwise life can be pretty messy,” Finn said.

Her smile slipped a bit, but she didn’t comment.

“Do you want to handle the scrub on Mr. Tovar’s checking account while I do the savings? Then we can swap and double-check each other’s work?” she asked, changing the subject.

She stacked several folders in front of her and slid another stack across the conference table toward him.

“Good plan.”

“You’re good at working on a team. I expected you to try to take over and give orders,” she said.

He shrugged, taken back by the compliment. “I guess I had a lot of practice in the military and from planning pranks on my sister.”

“I can’t imagine that was easy for her, growing up with three brothers.”

“Oh, don’t underestimate my sister’s ability to detect us or my parents’ defense of their precious princess,” he said with amusement.

A forced smile appeared on her face. “You have a really amazing family. It must have been idyllic to grow up in that home.”

“I take it your experience was very different?”

“Polar opposite.” She sat back in her seat and opened the top folder with old receipts and a notebook Mrs. Tovar had identified as her “corporate books” for her first year.

He could take the hint. Her background was a landmine, and he’d have to wait until she was ready to share it with him.

Several hours into spreadsheets, old documents, and paper cuts, Finn wondered if all this was necessary. Or were they looking at this case from the wrong angle?

“Can we take a break and maybe get some lunch? Clear our minds?”

He expected her to say no, but she jumped up and stretched instead.

“I’m so glad you said that. I can’t take these accounting slips anymore. I feel like we’re wasting time on this.”

“I agree. Let’s regroup over tacos. I know a place.”

“Of course you do, Navy SEAL-turned-foodie lawyer,” she teased as they headed for the door.

Not wanting to risk her changing her mind, he pressed the button for the lobby floor in the elevator, but she seemed just as eager to get out of the building for a little bit.

Once outside, Finn paused. “Okay, two years in this office, and I know three things.”

“That’s it?”

He gave her a warning look but enjoyed the playful smile that pulled at her mouth as he directed her across the street via a crosswalk into a park. He liked that she was loosening up with him again.

“The best coffee is from that stand by the river.” He pointed to the edge of the park where a wide path traced the edge of the river. “And the best taco truck is parked on the other end of this park.”

“And the third one?” she prompted.

“I better hold out on sharing that one a little longer.”

Before responding, she stopped in her tracks. “I forgot to grab my wallet.”
